222 Days Without You

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I asked this person"Would you be happy if you finish your war with a victory?"

She  answered "yes..."

"But what if you didn't?"

"then it's not your war" 

I smiled "Maybe that one isn't my battle" 

This is the story for the one who told me "Yes, that one isn't but this one must be"

Hi T, if you're reading this that means you are the first person who came up to my mind when I write the intro.

I haven't poured a lot of words to my writings recently, so please bear with me.

Thank you might be the first words to say 'hi' to you because without you this letter wouldn't be visible to your eyes. This message isn't just about the past, but it's also about the present, yet the future. 

It's like building a house but failed 100 times,  for me you are the person who build it up again 101 times

As someone who stood beside you for about two years, your improvements astound me. I remember how you shut that math problems by saying "ah gua gak bisa sha"  but you end up got it right and done anyway.

I hope you don't waste any moment of your life afraid to make positive changes because until now you never did and I hope you'll never do. I hope you're not afraid to say what you feel, because there's no right or wrong when it comes to feeling anything. 

I hope you don't need me to convince you a couple of times just to say that "you are sane" because you always are and I hope you'll always be.

Find good people ahead of you and for that I hope you can take the goods from the people who came and left. Find the people who make you happy not only when they're around you but enough to make you happy when they're not around. 

Make peace with the one you love is something hard to maintain, but it's never impossible. They're there for a reason, good reason'll make them stay. Bad ones? trust me they won't stay long.

Thank you for working so hard for yourself :D I know you might never admit that you've work so hard but I've been through part of your journey and if you didn't work that hard I might only lay in bed or watch disney plus because I won't get any ambitions if you don't have any (Doesn't make sense at first but I hope you understand)

Thank you for teaching me how to be assertive, nobody would've remind me the way you did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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