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:  italic words are thoughts ^^

Marinette was laying in bed, tired after completing all her math homework. She had been procrastinating all week which resulted in her doing it all in one night. SUNDAY night. 

She sighed. Her eyes were closed, but she could feel someone staring at her. A few minutes passed in that uncomfortable silence, until she couldn't take it anymore and her eyes flew open.

Electric green eyes were staring back at her. 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘪𝘳. Her heart skipped a couple thousand beats as she realized how close he really was. She could feel his breath on her lips, making her slightly blush. 

It was pretty normal for her kitty to sneak in her room, but he hadn't done it in a while which made her a bit suspicious. She hesitantly got up and looked at the cat. "What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to keep her heart from exploding.

"i'm sorry if i interrupted your beauty sleep, purr-incess," chat said, still staring deep into her bluebell eyes. "i was just feeling lonely," he murmured.

Marinette's face softened, "it's okay, kitty. But please let me know the next time you visit," she said, scratching under his chin. He let out a faint purr. Marinette smiled, trying her hardest not to blush. He is so cute! 

Chat turned to her, his eyes widened in shock. "What?"

Oh no. Did i say that out loud?

"Yes you did," Chat replied, a smirk forming on his face.

"i'm cute, huh?" Chat murmured, teasingly backing Mari against a wall. She blushed bright red and babbled something that must've come out like, "Oh-n-n-no! what makes y-you s-say that?" while struggling to escape his warm grasp.

"Relax purr-incess," Chat drawled out, skimming his leathered hands down Marinette's arms. She shivered, realizing that she was falling for her kitty. She lost herself in his green eyes, tuning everything else out. "marinette?" chat asked concerned, when she just kept staring at him.

After chat repeated her name the third time, she snapped out of her...Trance?

She shook her head, pushing those thoughts away, looking anywhere but at her kitty's concerned face. "Are you okay, Marinette?" Chat asked, hesistantly. "Yeah, i'm fine" Mari replied bluntly, but chat didn't give up.

"Mari," Chat lifted her chin, coaxing her to look at him. When she wouldn't, he chuckled and backed her against her bedroom wall, smirking at her shocked face. He moved closer to her, his lips, slowly brushing hers. 

Marinette felt as if her dream had come...NO! i love adrien, not chat! she argued, but her body just wouldn't budge. It didn't help that she felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She closed her eyes, giving in to the sweet kiss.

Slowly, soft lips pressed against hers. Marinette gasped, sliding down the wall at the sudden touch, and her kitty fell on top of her. Marinette blushed a couple shades darker, if that was possible, making her even more irresistable. well- to her kitty.

Chat pounced on her, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist, deepening the kiss. Marinette slowly brought her hands up to his neck on reflex, tangling her hands in chat's soft, blond hair, making chat moan softly.

In his sudden urge to deepen the kiss, chat tilted mari's head slightly. His tongue slid across her lips, as if asking for permission to explore further.

Marinette's lips parted, giving her kitty full access to his princess's mouth. He groaned happily, his tongue exploring her mouth. Marinette melted in his arms. She could've stayed like this forever, but they had to part for air. her lips taste like strawberry, chat realized, as they pulled away, blushing furiously.

Marinette was dazing, gaping at her kitty in awe, while the kitty himself was having trouble grasping what he just did. His eyes kept going to her soft, pink lips, yearning for more.

He pulled her in for another passionate kiss, giving into the temptation. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. The familiar beeping of chat noir's ring broke the kiss almost instantly, reminding him that he only had minutes until he transformed back. 

Chat climbed up the window, dazed and lightheaded. "I-i.." 

"Sshh" marinette whispered, shushing him with two fingers. "Goodbye kitty," she winked, making her kitty blush and kiss her fingers slowly. 

"Goodbye Marinette," Chat Noir murmured, carefully extending his staff and running towards his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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