"here, teach, i gotchu an apple." billie grinned as she walked into the classroom and tossed mrs. smith an apple.
"oh, thank you, miss o'connell." she smiled as she took it before going to sit at her desk.
"mhm, of course." billie hummed.
billie walked over to her assigned desk; which, of course, happened to beside me. i didn't look at her as she sat down.
i looked back to mrs. smith. she was now doing something on her computer. she was still holding the apple. i watched as she brought it up to take a bite, though she furrowed her brows after she did.
"yeah, i wouldn't have done that if i were you; it's fake." billie snickered to herself as she leaned back in her chair.
mrs. smith let out a defeated and disappointed sigh as she got up to go throw the apple away.
i held back a laugh, turning to the side so that billie wouldn't see.
i then heard plastic crinkling, so i turned to see that billie had pulled out a bag of takis.
i swear she always has some takis on her.
"you want some?" she offered as she held them out to me.
"no, fuck off." i shook my head.
she let out a sigh, though she didn't say anything else as she started to eat them.
"miss o'connell, put the chips away."
"are you mad that i gave you a fake apple?" billie gave a faux pout.
"no, i don't care. it's just that the rule is no eating in class." mrs. smith explained.
"but... you were gonna eat that apple?" billie raised a brow. "you are not above the law, teach."
mrs. smith pinched the bridge of her nose. "fine. fine. eat the chips, i don't care. but you and miss vance better get some work done today. your project is due by the beginning of next week."
me and billie turned to look at each other. she raised a brow as she smirked. i turned back to mrs. smith.
"can i get a new partner?" i asked with a fake smile.
"i thought you two were... 'homies?'"
"i told you that i didn't know or claim her." i said.
"and i told you that you wouldn't be able to swap partners under any circumstances." she shook her head.
i let out a groan as i let my head fall onto my desk. "fuck me, bro."
"i mean... i can do that." billie offered and i turned to see that she was smirking again.
"gross." i muttered.
she let out a sigh as she adjusted her 'fuc-12' beanie. "dude, come on. let up some. i was just messing around with you yesterday."
"so, you telling me that i'm bitchy all the time is messing around?" i cocked a brow.
"my bad," she let out a small, somewhat nervous chuckle. "but you kicked me in the dick, so i think we're pretty even. so, c'mon; we cool again?"
"no, fuck you."
"why do you gotta be so stubborn?" she complained in a slight whine. her eyes then lit up a bit as she took her phone out of her pocket and held it up to her face. "hey, siri, how do you deal with pretty girls who are stubborn as fuck?"

Fanfictioni watched as billie laughed loudly, throwing her head back as she did. her contagious laugh filled the room, making everyone else laugh as well. maybe detention isn't so bad after all. ============================== sage vance gets a month of dete...