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Karls POV.

I woke up to the sound of a discord message coming in, that's when I remembered. I jumped out of bed in exitement and ran to my pc.

It was a message from Nick aka Sapnap but I often called him Nick.

I remembered we are gonna meet up soon. 

I was very exited but also very nervous since I think I might have a slight crush on him.


Hey Karl, tomorrow is the day remember?

ofc I remember, I'm exited!


I'm also very exited, I can barely wait.                                                                                                                           Wanna call?

sure! :]

"hey Karl!" -N

"hi Nick! I'm so exited for tomorrow" -K

"me too Karl! what do u wanna eat when u arrive btw" -N

"hmm something easy, I might be tired after the flight so there is a possibility I'll be too tired to eat" -K

"hey Karl I'm gonna go to sleep now, maybe u should take a nap too since sleeping in a plane sucks" -N

"yeah I'll take a nap, I'll text u when I'm at the airport tomorrow!" -K

"okay, bye Karl, love you" -N

If only he knew.

"bye sappy, love u too" -K

he hung up.

I went to lay in bed and fell asleep quickly.


Karls POV

Today is the day.

I had all my stuff ready and was already omw to the airport, and god I was exited.

I heard George was also coming and outomatically got even more exited.

It was gonna be a Karl, Sapnap, Dream and George meet up.

As soon as I was at the airport I messaged Sapnap.

I'm at the airport


George and Dream are already here, they've been hugging the whole time🙄 I want hugs Karl

you'll get hugs soon sappy :]

my flight is boarding I gtg, see u soon

[time skip to when Karl landed]

I got out of the plane and grabbed my phone, messaged Nick that I landed and went to meet George, Nick and Dream or should I call him Clay from now on at the coffee place at the airport.

There he is.


HAHAH CLIFFHANGER SORT OFF. but the next part might come in an hour or something so do not worry. the next chapter also might be longer

love you -Jazmin

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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