Masonic Supplies

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Masonic Symbols:

The square and compass. Is the symbol most identifiable symbol of freemasonry. Both the square and compasses are architecture's tools and are used in masonic rituals as emblems to teach symbolic lessons.

The square, "to square are over action". The compasses to circumscribe and keeps united.

The square and compass has the letter "G" in the center have multiple meanings. First "G" stand for God. Another is that its stands for Geometry. That reminds us every act is done in the straight of the great architect of the universe.

The letter "G" was supposed to have a symbolic significance of God as synonymous with Geometry by the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was sometimes hung in the Lodge's center, while other times it was draped in the East. The G stood for both "God" as the supreme entity and "Geometry," which is said to be a way of viewing the universe's flawless order.

 The G stood for both "God" as the supreme entity and "Geometry," which is said to be a way of viewing the universe's flawless order

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Masonic Aprons:

One of the first symbols that initiate encounter is the apron; in fact, it's the first gift a Mason receives. The candidate is told that it is "an emblem of the innocence and the badge of a Mason. "The Mason's apron comes from those worn by craftsmen that were made from the skin of an animal, worn to protect the workmen and their clothes from injury and damage from the rough stones with which they worked.

They became associated with innocence largely because white is universally understood as the color of innocence and lamb has recognized as a symbol of innocence. In Masonry, innocence means purity of life, a conscience that is clear, and an amoral record that is unblemished. Due to its symbolic Character, the color of Mason's aprons should always be pure, unspotted white, and always made from lambskin.

The apron is a sign of a holy man, and it is a high honor for anyone to wear it. The order of the Garter is considered as the highest decoration the can be given to anyone by a ruler in Britain. It is a very high honor for anyone to have the order of the Garter bestowed on them. In ancient times, the Master Mason apron was an honorary badge of distinction. High Priests and other senior religious officials wore specially ornamented apparel with girdles made of purple, crimson, blue, gold, and white color. These special apparels were presented at special ceremonies.

 These special apparels were presented at special ceremonies

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Masonic Regalia

Because Freemasons place a high value on symbolism and ritual, everything they do, from communication to activities and attire, has enormous significance. Masonic Regalia refers to the attire and accessories that Masons wear at Meetings and even in public during special events.

This regalia is essential in Masonry since everything a person wears not only has symbolism but also symbolizes their level and role within the origination. There is a lot of this regalia, and not all of it is worn all of the time; some are worn for private functions, others for public functions, some are worn for officials business, and some are not to be allowed to be worn unofficial business.

Another feature of Freemasonry is that a lodge can establish or change its own rituals and regalia in tiny ways to make them more understandable to its members. The best approach to think about this regalia is to divide them into two categories: those worn by the lodge as a whole and those worn individually by individual members.

During the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Chivalric societies wore regalia, which is a recognized historic practice. Several self-styled originations now use specific regalia to give their members a more conventional feel and atmosphere.

We are "London Regalia" the Masonic Regalia Suppliers with top-quality workmanship that got always the best reviews from freemasons.

Our product range is for Blue Lodges, Knight Templars, Order of eastern star (OES), Scottish Rite, AASR, Shriner Regalia, York Rite, Scottish Kilt, Coat of arms, and all kind of embroidery works apparel and accessories.

To buy your regalia, visit if there will be any difficulty to order, please reach us at 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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