Renjun 🧡 Orange

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"Bub, it's time for grocery shopping." I said as I called my boyfriend, Renjun, while drying my hair in our shared bedroom.

Well, we just started moving in together last summer and we're running out of grocery so I decided we should do it together this time since he did all the work last time.

"Got it. I'll just take a quick bath then we'll go." He said and I hummed in response.

I had a list on hand so that we won't spend too much on non essential stuff. The grocery is just across our apartment so it didn't take awhile to reach the grocery store.

Since it was kinda chilly outside, I was wore Renjun's sweatshirt which fitted perfectly on me.

"Is that mine?"

I smiled cheekily and nodded.

"I was supposed to wear that." He pouted.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

He held my hand and warmed it on his cheek.

"Nope. It's nice that you wore it, it's a good material to keep you warm." Renjun said.

I bit the insides of my cheek and looked away to act casual about it.

"Okay. So we shouldn't buy anything that's not on the list okay, Huang Renjun? We have to start budgeting from now on." I said as I lightly tugged his jacket while he pushed the cart for us.

"Cereals, Milk, Some condiments, coffee, oh and we have to buy some ramen and meat." I said.

Cereal was just the first item on the list but we're already arguing of what cereal to buy.

"Fruit loops!"

"You don't even finish them. Let's buy honey stars since you ate all of mine last time."

"No, I didn't."

"Uh.. Yes you did."

He started blabbering how delicious it was so he finished it but still insisted that fruit loops were better.

"Why don't we just buy one of each again like we did last time?"

"Fine. But no honey stars for you, okay?"

"Okay. But no fruit loops for you too."

I scoffed and watched him happily carrying the cereals back to our cart.

I simply shook my head and continued buying stuff for our home. Everything was going smoothly until we argued about the snacks he wanted to buy.

"That's too much! One bag of chips is enough."

"But I like all of them..." He pouted as he tried to pick one.

"Nope. We're on a budget so let's buy the others next time." I said as I casually walked away. 

He pouted the entire time and I kinda felt bad about it too!

"Wait for me here. I just need to buy some of our essentials." I said as I left him in the fruits section.

It didn't take me awhile to finish buying other stuff when I saw Renjun buying some fresh strawberries and I overheard his conversation with the vendor.

"Oh, It's for my girlfriend. She loves strawberries so much so I should buy a lot since you said these were sweet." He said while smiling at the vendor from ear to ear.

I pouted and felt guilty of not letting him buy the snacks he wanted.

Renjun is really an extrovert and he probably can be left with strangers and won't feel uncomfortable around them. He's such a very open person and his attitude towards people is over the top.

Whenever we're outside, he won't even bother lie in front of people of who I was. He'll literally tell everyone I was his girlfriend even when no one's asking.

If I were to pick a color based on his personality? I'd say it's Orange. This color suits him well and I just see hues of orange when he's being himself. Such a radiant color that stands out from everyone else.

Renjun is witty, spontaneous, generous, bold, daring, and most importantly a very warm person.

I think all of these made me fall in love with him although we always fight about the littlest of things ever since we got in a relationship.

"We'll enjoy these well, thank you. Have a good day!" He said before rushing towards me with a giddy smile on his face.

"Here you go bubs. I got you some huge strawberries." He said while excitedly showing me what he bought.

He acts so casual about what happened earlier and I felt so bad about it even more.

"What's wrong??" He asked while poking my cheek.

"I'm sorry. I should've let you get the snacks you wanted..."

Renjun started laughing and I hit his arm while feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay. Fruits are better than chips anyway. But I'll appreciate if you'd let us buy it." He said and that made me chuckle.

"Okay fine. We'll buy them since you bought me my favorite strawberries."

He immediately went to the snack isle and bought all the snack he wanted.

Guess we'll start budgeting next month...!!

"Rock, paper, and scissors. The loser cleans the entire house and the winner will only unpack the groceries." Renjun said.

"Am I one of your friends? Who are you trying to fool. We'll clean together whether you like it or not." I said while unpacking the fruits so I could wash and put them inside the refrigerator.

"Fine. Fine." He said as he walked behind me and hugged my waist.

"What? What do you want?"

"Can you cook dinner tonight? I want some steak." Renjun said while watching me clean the strawberries he bought earlier.

"Sure. I can do that." I said as I pecked a kiss on his cheek.

"One more. Right here then I'll start cleaning." He was pouting and he was eager to get the kiss from me.

I took a clean strawberry and placed it on top of his pouted lips and moved away from his hug. We won't get to finish anything if I let him get what he wants so I tricked him.

"Hey! Strawberries would taste better if they come from your lips. Come here, I'll prove it!"

See? I told you he's a daring one!

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I know this isn't as long as Jeno but I hope you still liked it!

I freaking do feel like this could happen in real life. Full of petty arguments on a daily basis, I guess?? 😄

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