Behind these Emerald Eyes.

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"C'mon Emi! Act like you really mean it!"

I willed myself not to blink as a bright flash came from the camera. My body was twisted in an uncomfortable manner, but to my photographer it was considered, 'beautiful'. Psh, what ever, this is uncomfortable. I'm dying here!

With a fake smile plastered onto my face, I stared at the lens of the camera. I tried to make my eyes seem to sparkle, even though I bet I look like and idiot. My editor seemed happy enough, so I figured I was doing something right at least.

The photo shoot seemed to last for hours, but soon I was at home in my comfy bed. I felt myself relaxing, my body still sore from the poses I had to do. My eyes lingered on the picture of me and my best friend Zack, our smiles bright and true. My thoughts began to fill with Zack. All the times we laughed together, grieved with each other, they were all gone. Ever since that accident nothing has been the same. My heart always felt heavy without my best friend by my side.

I felt tears start to slip down my cheeks before I could stop them. Trying furiously to make them stop only made me cry even harder. My face buried into my pillow to cover my sobs. No need in explaining why I'm crying. Sob after sob racked through my body, every sob hurt more then the last. My throat burned, but I couldn't make myself stop. Like they say, holding it all in is no good for your emotional health.

"EMI!!!" My body tensed as my door busted open. Maybe if I laid really still they would think I'm a sleep. Yeah! Good idea, Emi! I quickly let my body relax and breathed slowly and heavily. It seemed like hours before I heard the door shut quietly. Not wanting to risk the chance of them walking back in, I laid still for a few more seconds before I finally got the courage to sit up.

As soon as I sat up I was tackled by two strong arms in a bear hug. I gasped in shock, my eyes wide with shock. I was about to elbow the person behind me, when they suddenly released me. As quick as I could, I spun around to meet two ice blue eyes. My heart instantly stopped beating as one word floated through my mind.


Stumbling back, I hit my back sharply on the wall. Hissing in pain, I blended over. I went to glare at the person in front of me, but they had disappeared. Not even a trace was left behind. For the next few minutes, I checked my room to see if I could find anyone hiding. I couldn't shrug away this sense of déjà vu as I replayed what had happened. It nipped at the back of my mind, as if trying to make me remember.

Deciding to ignore everything that had happened, I headed towards the bathroom. Picking up my bathrobe and a towel, I hurried to the bathroom before my parents could catch a glimpse of me. To be honest, I bet I look like a drowned rat. So attractive, right? Who wouldn't want to kiss this beautiful rat? I mean, look at me! Okay... So that sounded super conceited.


Waking up was a struggle, but walking into school...well that was like walking straight into a living hell. Well, for me this was scary accurate. I saw nothing but demons dancing in the shadows, taunting me with their hissing laughter. Of course to normal people they were the so called 'cool kids'. Not that it mattered to me, all I saw were people that find pleasure in others pain. The type of people who don't belong in this world.

When Zack was with me, no one dared to even whisper my name. It felt nice not to be teased for once. With Zack not here, they seemed to make it their mission to push me over the edge, or at least to commit suicide. I think that's what everyone is waiting for, but I mean, come on! I'm not that emotional damaged! Well, not yet any way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 ⏰

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