At Unexpected Invite

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"ojou - sama!"
"figured i find you here,"
"my name is Lumine."
"and? ojou-sama is also your name."
i put my head down.
"whats your request this time childe..."
childe looked down at me, "no small talk?"
i sighed.
"well, remember my brother Teucer?"
childe looked as if he were rather nervous, which is unlike him.
"i need you to.." he paused, then smirked, "hey girlie, how 'bout a date at Snezhnaya, hmm?".
"i'm sorry, snezhnaya??" i said.
i panicked. i never discovered snezhnaya, nevertheless with a company like childe. it was far too.
"it's all right if you can't, you did pinky promise my brother though to visit," said childe.
goddamit, he knew about my pinky promise. It left me with a automatic yes since i don't break 'pinky' promises.
"fine, i'll accept your rather oddly-said invitation. yet keep in mind that this is for your brother."
there he goes again, with his smirk.

- Note: this is my first fic attempt, so it's a tad small in each section!

A Date At Snezhnaya [ Childe x Lumine ]Where stories live. Discover now