Chapter 3 - I'm Cold

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Today for the first time ever, I stepped out of the Uchiha compound, unable to deal with everything. I asked a random person where the academy is and headed there, hoping to meet Sasuke. 

Thought ran across my mind, 'why would Itachi kill his best friend?', yes I saw it all happening, during my walk in the forest a few weeks back but no one really needs to know that.

I sat on the swing infront of the academy and waited.

i gave up waiting, after like a minute.

Ended up walking around the building to see Sasuke fighting really bright child.

"Sasuke" I screamed, loud enough for him to hear me but soft enough to seem reserved. He stopped, and abruptly stood up turning around spotting me quickly. He ran over, along with a bunch of eyes following his movements, as the eyes spotted me, they became glares, they were all from girls, are those what you call fangirls?

Aren't they pretty?

Yeah, pretty scary.

Sasuke glared back at the girls who glared at me but some idiot thought he noticed her..

"kyaaaah, Sasuke-kun looked at me" is she dumb? 

"No, pig-face, he looked at me" now this chick has pink hair. PINK. Who the hell dyes their hair pink? Is it used to make my brother notice them?

Then all the girls started arguing who he noticed, like girls, please. He loves me.

Not all the girls, there was one, her eyes were white, short midnight hair, timidly standing in the corner, is she even a ninja? She is pretty though.

I slipped through the crowd, trying to get to the girl without being noticed by Sasuke or his devil-like fangirls.

"come back here Yuna!" my brother's voice rang out, well I'm screwed.

He ended up not killing me for, let me quote this, 'putting myself in danger for stepping outside the Uchiha compound', gee thanks, nice to know I seem that fragile. 

Oh and he took me to this really homey cafe that sells really good dango. I love sweets, so my brother ended up with an empty wallet, sad face and a slightly sick stomach, all this due to my sweet tooth and making him eat what he hates the most: sweets.

It soon got dark after our little dango trip, we headed home with me on his back, a small chill ran down my spine, it wasn't good.

A sick feeling settled in my stomach and I'm pretty sure it's not the food. I tightened my grip on Sasuke making him turn around and gave me a look of worry but I just ended up hiding my face again. 

"Sasuke-nii, please head home quicker" I whispered, i started shaking in fear, something bad was happening. 

"Yuna, are you alright? What's wrong? Is it because of the food?" can't he ever just do what I say without asking like a hundred question?

I ended up not replying and just kept tightening my hold. The cold wind blew my long hair back, as Sasuke ran towards the compound. It was all the way across the village. my thoughts wondered to my beloved family, are they alright? Did something happen to them making me feel this way? What if they got hurt? A part of me knew nothing can happen to them, they're the strongest clan in Konoha, yet another part of me told me otherwise, something horrible is going to happen to us soon. 

"I'll protect you no matter what happens, only because I love you, Yuna" reassuring words came from Sasuke, causing the sick feeling to dim a small bit. we were almost there, maybe a few more streets to the place we call home.

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