02༄𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

306 6 14

Minor spoilers for king of scars/rule of wolves

When the couple arrived at the crow club, it was so busy that they could barely get past the sea of people. Ever since the crows had stopped Jan Van Eck and gotten their money, each were putting it to different uses. Clearly Kaz put quite a bit into improving the club and his gang, the dregs.

Matthias also heard from his wife that the Ravkan king might have been telling people the best places to gamble in Ketterdam after Kaz helped him out once. Nina kept saying how it wasn't fair how Kaz got a reward for helping when she's much more friendly, and did just as much.

     It didn't take long to find the boy known as Dirtyhands once inside the building. He was sitting in the back, at the edge of a table surveying a game of poker. Nobody would cheat when the bastard of the barrel himself was watching.

     Matthias could tell Kaz was happier now, even if he didn't show it. His gang was successful, and Inej even came to visit him every once in a while when she wasn't on her ship, The Wraith, catching slavers.

     Hearing them approach over the noise of the club, Kaz looked up to meet Nina's eyes first, then his.

"Kaz we need to speak with you, is Inej here too?" Nina asked him. Matthias stood beside her, letting her do the talking with the demjin for now.

"I'm here, what do you need?" Inej appeared next to Matthias before he could blink. Her skill has always been impressive to him. To be able to move like that, that stealthily, was truly a gift.

"Inej." Kaz greeted. The look in his eyes said everything that needed to be said. Kaz missed Inej dearly, even though he would never admit it.

"Kaz." She responded looking from Nina to him. It appeared she missed him too.

"We have something to tell you, something big." Matthias said. Both Kaz and Inej were tense, obviously thinking there was some sort of danger lurking, ready to destroy the peaceful lives they created for themselves.

"It's not bad! It's wonderful really." Nina explained. Her face was glowing and Matthias practically melted. He realized his smile had to be just as big as hers by now, but everything was perfect, how could he not smile? He was starting a family with his beautiful wife.

"Go on with it. I don't have all day and I especially don't have all day to sit and listen to two lovesick fools." Kaz spat out. Towards the end he cast a fleeting glance to Inej, it was small, but it was there and Matthias made note of it.

     "You're one to criticize the lovesick Kaz." Nina spoke, placing one hand on her her hip. Everyone there knew she was referring to whatever was going on between Kaz and Inej, but none of them pushed it any further.

     "So, we wanted to tell you guys first, because you're our family and we care about you, me and Matthias-" Nina was cut off in her explanation as Matthias interrupted, too thrilled to keep it in any longer. He was proud of the pregnancy. Proud of Nina, proud of their relationship, of their home. Proud of their lives now.

     "Nina is pregnant. We're having a child." Matthias was beaming. Kaz's head snapped up, looking away from the cards being shuffled in his gloved hands. Inej's eyes widened, a smile breaking out on her own face.

     "That's amazing, congratulations to you both!" Inej told the couple. Matthias thought that Inej would be a wonderful aunt to their child, maybe even teach them how to be stealthy like her. There are no skills that Kaz has, however, that Matthias wants their child to end up with. He'd prefer if they weren't a criminal like everyone around them.

     "You were correct" Kaz stated, adjusting his grip on his cane "Thats wonderful." His face still remained blank, but Matthias could almost see a crooked smile on the demjin. Maybe he wouldn't be so terrible for their child to be around.

     "I'm only a couple weeks in, but we're already so excited. You should have seen Matthias when I told him! I thought he would have a heart attack-" Nina was going to continue spewing stories about him to their friends if he didn't cut her off soon. Any other time he would let her talk for as long as she wishes to soak up her voice. He loves the way she talks. This particular moment however, Matthias wanted that moment to stay between the two of them. It was pure and lovely and just for them to know about.

     "Nina, maybe we should go and let them continue working." Matthias suggested. "We've done what we came for." Nina contemplated it for a moment before  squeezing Matthias's hand in agreement.

     Nina and Inej shared hug, and good lucks between them. Nina for her pregnancy, and Inej for catching the next batch of slavers. After saying goodbye to Kaz, the couple was off again. Heading off in the direction of the Van Eck residency, Matthias was sure their child would grow up loved by everyone around them.

A/N as promised, this chapter is much longer!! I'll probably update again tomorrow, cause it's extremely late right now and I need sleep. Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter :) Drink water, eat, take a nap, take care of yourselves. Ily <3

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