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Natalie looked at Michael, the pain she felt looking at her lover was indescribable. Michaels bleached hair had never looked so bad, his skin had never looked so light, his hand felt cold to the touch. she felt bad for causing such pain to the man she had really cared for...

you may wondering why this all happened, well it all started since Natalie met him... he promised her jewels, money, and most importantly, love...but as time went on. the once loving man that Natalie once knew turned into a monster, threatening her at every possible thing. so she ran away. she got lost in the city while it was cold and wet, she cried, the only thing keeping her warm was her own tears.

until she felt a tap on her shoulder "hello? are you ok?" she flinched at the touch and looked at the person who called on her. "u-uh yeah i am..." he looked at her concerned "i know you're lying, but i wont push you any about you come to my house to warm up? you seem cold" he whispered softly, as if raising his voice by a little will startle the women. Natalie hesitated but ended up agreeing, following the man she had automatically started to grow feelings for him, he was so kind...unlike that stupid Canadian boy...

she walked into his house and heard the door close behind her "if you don't mind me asking...why were you in the rain crying?" he asked softly. she looked at the man and smiled sadly "oh just a stupid ex" she laughed a bit, clearly wanting to cry just at the mentioning of him "oh.." the man went up to Natalie and gave her a hug "i'm so sorry about name is Michael by the way" Michael pulled away from the hug and looked at Natalie. she smiled at Michael and lifted up her hand "Natalie" Michael shook her hand and asked her "do you want to take a shower?" Natalie nodded and Michael led her to the restroom with a towel in hand "here you go, don't be afraid to call me if anything goes wrong" Natalie nodded and closed the door 'maybe this wont be so bad'

weeks have passed by and Natalie and Michael have been getting along great. always talking to each other, making one another laugh, going out together. they were hanging out one day when Michael asked Natalie something, he sounded serious and it worried her. "Natalie..." she gulped, did she do anything wrong? oh god. "yes Michael?" he looked up at her with a worried/serious expression "Iv'e been thinking for awhile, do you Natalie..." she looked at him with anticipation. "want to be my girlfriend?"

Natalie looked at him shocked, she then smiled and answered "yes Michael of course..." Michael looked at her with a shocked expression, he smiled and ran up to her and gave her a big hug "I'm so happy..." she smiled as well, this relationship will be different. Michael will treat her better then 'him'... Michael gave her a quick kiss and went into his room. Natalie stood there in shock, grazing her hand against her lips 'wow'

its been a month now since Natalie and Michael have been dating. its been healthy and happy they wouldn't change anything if they had the chance too. until one day, they were walking around a mall, buying some stuff that they like and some stuff they think is funny. they walk over to their car and load their stuff in. "that was a lot of fun babe"....Michael didn't answer "bab-" Natalie stopped talking when she saw something that would scare the soul out of her. it was 'him'..."well, well, well, you've found someone better than me huh?" he pushed the gun against Michaels head harder "i cant believe you would leave me for this piece of shit"

"STEP BACK FROM HIM AUSTIN" Natalie yelled, not caring if she made a scene "are you playing fucking games with me right now?" Austin said as he pulled the trigger gently "say anything out of that pretty mouth again and i don't think you'll be able to wake up to someone next to you" he threatened. Natalie froze, what was she supposed to do??? she cant call the cops, she might have to sacrifice herself for Michael. "I'm sorry Michael" "Natalie what are you talking abo-" Natalie then lunged forward onto Austin. Trying to pull the gun out of his hand. "are you fucking serious right now??" Austin said, clearly angry, he then pointed the gun and Michael....


"MICHAELLLL" Natalie yelled and ran to her bleeding lover, she held him in her quivering arms. she grabbed her phone and called 911. once they said they were on the way, she put them on speaker and kept talking to Michael, trying to not break down at the sight. Natalie looked at Michael, the pain she felt looking at her lover was indescribable. Michaels bleached hair had never looked so bad, his skin had never looked so light, his hand felt cold to the touch. she felt bad for causing such pain to the man she had really cared for...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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