♡ Wednesday, 23 June ♡

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ohayo! well...its 1:53 AM but..uhmm..IDC


todayyy was a cool day

for the past few days i felt like a zombie for some reason-
like not just in the morning but after classes too

Weird? YES.
Reason? Unknown.
Cure? Unknown.

okay but i have a theory
I was having meetings everyday for the last few days but today is the only day i didnt...soo..HMMMM

yeah anyways

I felt like a zombie in the morning but not in the night

okay and dude the worst thing happened, so like i was chatting with my friend during class and i sekt the message, "I loveeee annoying you" TO THE WHOLE FUCKING CLASS BY MISTAKE

GOD POUIPFYPFPIYFYIICHCH so we were in breakout rooms so i didnt have to see the teacher and everyone in the group was like, "You messed up" and I was like god yes...

so yeah that happened..i dont care about it too much though because i didnt do it during teaching class so yeah..

Wellll yeah i was supposed to get the vaccine today..like my dad and I just wanted to go and see if its available..

but like we called a person there and he said he'll check and say tomorrow soooo yeah we didntttttt

and for some reason ive been really energetic since the evening so yeah


okay me shall go sleep now


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