
76 1 0

Whittysome added carolisme

whittysome added tonkbonkpog

whittysome added juststeve

whittysome added smokingfux

whittysome added voidboi

whittysome added boneless meat










carolisme:Whitty? What's going on?

Whittysome:just wanted to talk to someone,that's all

tonkbonkpog:what the hell is with all the p's?

carolisme:Whitty is wanting to talk to soeeone but can't

carolisme:hey,if you wanted to talk to someone,why do you want the whole group to talk to?

whittysome:i just wanted to have a converstaion with multiple people,that's all

tonkbonkpog:looks like we're the only one here.And i don't want to be having a conversation with either of you

tonkbonkpog:so byeeeeeee

tonkbonkpog went offline

carolisme:that was kinda rude of him tbh


hexii:why was there buzzing on my phone?

hexii:what are you talking about?

whittysome:nothing,i just want to aave a conversation with yall

whittysome:i've been feeling lonely for the oadt few days

hexii:oh,fantastic! I was looking for someone to have a chat too

smokingfux:can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep -_-

carolisme:you could technically just mute,Garcello-

smokingfux:oh thanks,Carol

smokingfux went offline


carolisme:so have yall picked a topic?


whittysome:i only think about this game Ruv plays called 'genshin impact'

carolisme:oh that game,Agoti and Selever played it.They say it was fun,so i decided to give it a go today

whittysome:and how did it go?

carolisme:well,it was very fun if i dobsay so myself.You should check it out if you have the time,and download it when it caught your interest

carolisme:but be aware though,it might take 3 hours to download

whittysome:and how much does it cost?

carolisme:around 3.GB i think.Look i forgot

whittysome:acceptable,let me download it tomorrow

whittysome went offline

carolisme went offline

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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