The Sorting.

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Twelve rings were heard in the dark and cold house, indicating the start of the next day. A small shadow was seen climbing the dark stairs. The shadow knocked on one of the doors and waited. There was no movement or noise. The shadow knocked once more.

The door opened slowly, a boy around the age 10 peered to see who it was at this time. When the boy saw the shadow, he grinned and pulled the shadow into the room.

"Happy birthday Siri and Cassie!" Shouted the shadow.
"Shush! Reggie you will wake up mother and father!" Whisper-yelled a girl's voice.
"I am sorry! I was just e-excited. It's your 11th birthday. You both will g-get your letters." The shadow of Regulus Black whispered. His voice betrayed him, he wasn't only excited but also scared. What if his siblings forgot him?

It was indeed the 11th birthday of the heir of the Noble House of Black and his twin. The Noble House of Black was one the most wealthiest and purest house of the Sacred 28. They believed in pure blood supremacy and thought the world should be free of muggles and muggleborns. They were loyal followers of the Dark Lord. Sirius would get into alot of fights with his parents for this reason. He never understood why his parents hated the muggles. Cass would sometimes support her brother, she never liked getting in trouble with her parents. They had threatened her if she didnt listen to them, she would not be going to Hogwarts but someone's house as a wife.

"Reg. You don't have to be scared. We would never forget about you. Never ever ever. You are our little brother." Said Sirius sensing the terror in his little brother's voice.
"Reggie. It's late. We should sleep now. Come on we can have a sleepover in my bedroom." Suggested Cass. Little Reggie nodded his happily. They didnt have alot of sleepovers because their parents thought it was too muggleish.

They slowly and quietly went to the young girl's room. They snuggled up against each other for warmth in the big cold room. Almost all the rooms in the house were similar. Big, silver walls and green beds for Slytherin pride. There wasn't any warmth in the house except each other's arms.
"Forever" said Reggie into the darkness.
"And ever" said Cass. 
"And ever" completed Sirius.

And with that said, they slowly slipped into sleep.


The next day when they were having their breakfast,  two owls came flying into the dining area.
The first owl held two letters whereas the second had only one letter.
Sirius and Cass jumped and took the two letter form the first owl.
"We got the Hogwarts letters." Screamed Sirius.
"Yay!" Said Cass but a little quieter than Sirius.  Even Reg was smiling and jumping.
"That's great." Said Orion in a monotone voice. Walgbura was lost in the other letter they had received. 

"Andromeda has married the muggleborn,  Tonks" Walgbura spat the name as if it was something poisonous , after reading the letter. Sirius and Cass were shocked but also happy for her. They knew she was going to run away but they didn't think she would actually do that.
"Cassiopiea. I need you to be very ladylike and in Slytherin after going to Hogwarts. We don't need another disappointment in our family. No more bloodtainting. Even you Sirius, dont make any blood traitor friends or mudblood." Walgbura also had a monotone voice but the disappointment was clear.

"Yes mother." Replied Cass in a quiet voice with her head down. Sirius silently grabbed her hand under the table and gave a small squeeze.  She squeezed in return to tell she was alright. "We will go to Diangon Alley in July. You are excused for now." Said Orion.

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