Caught by my room mate

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As I search April's room  .. she. works at Victoria's Secret in the. Mall.  She won't be home for another hour. April's my roommate my room is down the hall I've always  hated April. But she always had the best. LSD an pot I picked her lock to her door to get some pot without her knowing  I find a paper strip on the floor that has a pink tint to it. I think it's. Acid so I. Take it. I continue my search. When get to her restroom I  get dizzy an start blacking I rush to her door but fall down an accidentally hit it shut I turn around still dizzy  run to her restroom to wash my face I get to the mirror ani can barely seem myself I then passed out
When I woke up I am tied up my ankles are together my hands are taped to my side I have a peice covering my mouth I'm on my side in a dark room. I hear aprils voice talking to someone the. Light floods my Vision anni able to see I'm in a cardboard box of somekind April looks down at my I can see her thighs an up. Since the. Cardboard wall. Blocks her feet from view she wearing jean shorts an a black. Tee shirt she puts down her phone an bends over to  pick me up. An I now see how big I am she throws me in. A small wire cage still taped up  finally she speaks why did I find you. Passed out in my restroom when I locked my door  before I left I tried to speak but the tape she then remembered an roughly pull me out of the cage an yanked the tape off my mouth. I immediately tell her everything about how I. Picked the lock an how I. Got dizzy I left the part about me takein her lsd without paying she has me in her hand around my waist an torso she pulled out some leather strap next to her chair she was on. She then placed me between her thighs an squished me in between them my upper body sticking out I wiggle an she squeeze tights knocking the wind out of me. She wraps the strap around my neck. An I see now it's a leather dog collar April pulls it as tight as it'll go with choking me she then leans back an rolls her chair to her night stand an pulls out a black leash an connected it to my collar on my neck she cuts my restraints an drops me to the floor I get up an see I come up to just above her knees I look up at April who is attached the leash to her gaming chair she gets up an says she has to make a. Few sales when she gets back she'll deal with me. She walked to her door an turned around if I come back an your not where I left you. When I. Find you. Your dead she slams the. Door  i blow her off an start trying to get free after multiple  failed attempts  I give up. An try to.   Climb the leash to. Unattache the leash from her chair when it tips over on me. An knocks over clothes hamper on top of me my leg is stuck under her chair I hear her door unlatch an open her foot steps  get closer an closer she picks up the chair freeing my leg she grabs a  hand full of clothes on the floor one of her laced thongs got stuck to the latch on my collar I'm standing next to her chair  eye Level with her seat I don't know this thing is stuck to my back. April sees it an ignores it she unties the leash an walks towards her restroom I see her untie it an try to resist it but she yanks it forward causing me to fall  I can't get my feet underneath me as she walks towards a door she  walks in she then pull the leash up an my feet came off the floor she shuts her restroom door an walks over to her shower curtains and hangs the handle of the leash on one of the. Hook to her curtain. The collar begins to slightly get tight allowing me to barley breath April begins to pull down her shorts then her black panties she bends an sits on her toilet staring directly at me she puts her hand underneath my feet allowing me to stand up an catche my breath. She asks me if anyone knew I was breaking in her room  I tell her I told no one she smiles an asked another question she says that she researched why I may have shrank  to this height I get my hopes up thinking she gonna. Help me. Get back to normal when she says that there's nothing that can make me bigger again she also said that she was reading other stories online about people being mysteriously shrunk  I ask what did they say she said hold on N grunted as she pushed poop into her toilet an a nasty smell fills the restroom she looks at my with a tear running down her face. She says on girl found her dad shrunken to 3 inches an turned him into her mom which was his ex wife she glued him to a mens urinal an left him. She laughs an in hook the leash from my collar she has her hands on her knees an both hands around me she pushes I hear water splash inside the toilet she speaks to me and says that shes gonna keep me as her pet slave I scream nooooo an wiggle she yells stop her voice was loud enough to scare me as I froze April continues speaking if you scream again an I'll rip your tongue out an swallow in front of you I shiver at the thought she  wiped an stood up with me in her hand she walks butt naked into her room an up to her computer desk she grabs some scissors an string walks into her restroom she then. Wraps me up shoulders to toe leaving my head exposed  I'm on my. Back look up on one side I see the toilet the other side is the bathtub april laid me down on the ground while she prepared something in her room she came into view looking down at me she laughs an say you ready to do some training as she shoves her big toe in my. Mouth  making me suck on it she picks me up. An takes my to her chair she shows me it an I see that she cut holes into the seat.She lowers me down into one of the holes in the back center once she lowered me down enough to when my upper body stuck up out of the seat she secured me in place  I look up the back of her chair an I see a shadow over me I. Panic and hear her say hey guys welcome to April's streaming channel April turned me around to face her she smiled an said don't wiggle to much while I'm in there  I don't get what she said until she turned around an started to sit down her big ass crashed down on my I am face to face with her cunt when she slams her ass down im shoved in her clitortis she shot up surprised an say don't get you hopes up that was the wrong hole unable to wipe my face I can't see.  All I hear is wrong hole she adjusted her self an slams back down her arse hole hit my head an opened up I'm shoved head first into aprils butt

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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