Stubborn Josie

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We are not going to leave you alone Josie, you are really sick. Dad repeats for what seems like the thousandth time.  Guys, you have to go. This monster is really dangerous and you have a better chance at catching him if you all go. I'll be fine, I will probably be better before you get back. Your fever is really high Josie, you look really pale and you have not eaten any food since you got sick. There is no way I am leaving you without supervision.

'We could ask Jade,' hope says. At which I react 'I do not need a babysitter and do not burden Jade with that, she will just get bored of me sleeping.' But it is like I never said anything at all, cause dad then says 'yes, that might be the best solution, good idea Hope' at which I can see Lizzie roll her eyes.

'I'll go get her,' hope says. 'Or you could just call out. She is a vampire and can probably hear us right now,' Lizzie says like it is the most obvious thing in the world. And it probably is, because only moments after Lizzie said that Jade appears in the doorway with a shy smile. Like she was ashamed for hearing us talk even though it is not her fault she has vamp hearing. 'I can look after Josie, no problem.' Everyone turns around at her voice, not at all surprised by her appearance. 'Thank you, Jade, I would feel better knowing that someone is looking after Josie. That is if you do not mind, we can always ask someone else?' 'It is not a problem, I was just reading anyway. Can do that here just as well.' Only then I notice that Jade is indeed holding a book in her hand. Guess there is nothing I can say to get out of this now.

After saying goodbye to me they leave. They have a long way to travel, so they better get going. Even then they will be gone for at least today and a part of tomorrow. There is no way I  will impose on Jade for that long, surely she got better things to do. So I tell her. 'You do not have to look after me Jade, I am fine, I will just sleep it off and be better in no time. You can just go and do your own thing.'

'Nice try Jose, but you are not fine. I heard what your dad said you know. You really need to eat something and drink more, otherwise, you will only get sicker. So I will make you something to eat and drink and then you can get some sleep okay?' It sounds more like a statement than a question so I am not even going to try to argue with Jade. 'Sure', I say. 'Okay then. I will be right back. Call me if something is wrong.' And with that, she is gone.

As soon as Jade has left I get out of bed, or at least I try to. My legs feel like Jelly. But despite that, I continue on towards my closet to take some clothes. There is some paracetamol on my desk. I will get some new clothes, some paracetamol and I will be fine. Then Jade will not be bored looking after me and I will not fall behind on my classes. It is a win-win situation.

Jade, however, does not seem to agree with that statement. Once she gets back and sees me rummaging through my closet on unstable legs she is at my side in an instant. 'Josie, what do you think you are doing, why are you out of bed?' She asks while holding me upright, not that I will admit that to her. 'I will just take some paracetamol and clean clothes and it will be fine. You can do your own thing and I will just go to my classes.'

'Josie, you already took some paracetamol, you cannot take those endlessly, there is a limit you know. Now put down the clothes and let's get you back into bed.' She looks dead serious, so after a staring contest of about 30 seconds I give up. There is no way that I am going to win from a vampire, especially in this state. Jade helps me get back into bed, although she is carrying most of my weight since I am feeling rather weak right now.

Once she has tucked me into my bed she reaches over to give me the food. I take it to not disappoint her and nibble on it for a bit. 'You need to eat it all Josie, or at least half of it. It is not a lot, but you need at least something in your system,' she says exasperated. Ever stubborn I reply 'I am just not hungry Jade, food is the last thing I want right now.' 'You still need to eat it, doctor's orders, she jokes. 

That is what makes the decision for me. Jade has always been very sad that she had to stop working at the hospital since she became a vampire and this is the first time I have heard her talk about it without sadness. So if only to humor Jade I start taking larger bites and I only stop after more than half of it is gone. Jade seems happy, so I guess the increasing nausea is worth it.

After she put away the food she takes a cup of what seems like thee. 'Here Jose, this will help. It will help you sleep and it helps against the pain. It is made from herbs, so you can take it even though you already took paracetamol.' 'Thanks, Jade,' I say and carefully take the cup from her. I take a sip and it is actually pretty nice. It has a nice smell and taste. Most of the time this is not the case with medicine, so it is a welcome change. After I drink the whole cup I do indeed start to feel sleepy despite having slept most of the day. Jade takes the empty cup from me and pushes the blanket further up on my now half-asleep form. 'Goodnight Jose, I will be here when you wake up ' is the last thing I hear before I fade away in a peaceful nothingness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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