The Void: Prolouge

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Gaster POV


At first when I woke up, all I saw was blinding Darkness, yet when I looked at my body I could clearly see it. Where am I anyway? This darkness does appear... comforting. Like a Blanket softly being wrapped around me and it soothes the Pain...

'argh' I need to Focus. What happened? How did I get here? Think Gaster. Think...

Then it hit me...


Everything was falling apart, machines malfunctioning und breaking, everyone knocked out except for... Sans

"G! Take my Hand!" He yelled at me trying to grab my hand from the Substance of the Portal we made. I tried to reach him but it wouldn't let me go. I struggled an yelled out "Sans! Help!" before a Blast knocked me out and I was... in the Void.

Flashback end

This is most troublesome, However panicking will bring me nowhere, I need to remain calm and think on how i should get out of this situation. The only Problem is... Where should I Start? There was nothing that could help me in this empty Void, there was absoulutely nothing, but absolute Darkness. But still i should not give up, maybe sometime something will change? let's hope so... However... when I looked at my Soul, I it slowly breaking before I was plunged back into Darkness...



It's Strange... I should be Dead, I saw my Soul Breaking before my own eyes and yet... I'm still here? But I saw myself turning to Dust!? How is this Possible?... I was beginning to Panic...

After some time after the Initial Shock passed I regained the ability to think straight, trying to make the best out of this situation, but I found nothing and nothing again that would make my Situation any better... well... except for the fact that i have no need for food and water... however if that is a good thing will show soon...


I've probably been in here for quite long time... Weeks? Months? I don't even know anymore. But I wasn't wrong about the change, however not for the good. I think i'm slowly losing my memory, i've noticed this after i've been thinking on how i got here again and again. because of this i've taken a safety precaution and summoned a Blaster and copied most of my memories inside it. But because of that it became sentient, and I've honestly never felt better to have some company again, even though i'm basicly talking to myself.

I've had fun with it asking me puzzles and intersting questions, but over time i've slowly forgot more and more to the point I even doubted the blaster as my creation, because of this the Blaster also slowly faded away over time. Now I'm alone again in this Dark void of nothingness... I've also noticed I am getting more and more sleepy the longer I reside in here. My Eyes... are falling shut... to... tired....


How long?... How long has it been since i'm here? Was I... always here? Seems like it. It's Dark always dark, Everywhere, Everywhen... Always... Darkness around and inside me... Am I... Darkness?

Or is it I?

So Tired....

So Quiet....

"...Huh, That's a nice Name. My Name is..."

I heard... something... It gave me... what was it?... Time? Yes, it was time... I can... feel now, before that and now...

Strange... do I want to keep it?

Too tired... can't think...

Must... Rest...


"...Y...Yeah We'll be strong!"

The Voices... Have returned... Something is happening?

"We'll free everyone..."

They sound troubled...

"Six, right?"

Why is it here? what do they need?

"We just have to get Six..."

Where are they?

"Please..." I began to form myself into some sort of bubble... "Wake up..." I followed the Voices in this form as fast as I could... "You are the future of Humans and Monsters..." the Voices are getting louder...and yet "You can't give up...You have to stay Determined!"... I can barely hear them.

I have to find the Source before it's too late. I should be going that way, i know at some point I-


Why on earth is there... something... Solid?... I can't believe it... Something Solid? after all this time? Here? But it shouldn't be... how is this Possible?... It's a... Wall.. yes a Wall, I can't see it but I know it's there, right underneath my fingers!... I missed that feeling... oh how I missed that...

After sometime of just enjoying the feeling of touching something Solid except for myself i began to explore the Wall... and I Wanted out... There appear to be no Holes or cracks in the wall, no matter how far I explore it... Meaning only one thing... My Look sharpened as I readied myself... I have to make my own way out.

I then attacked with a volly of Sharpened Bones connected to me via black tendrils, they hit. But they did no damage at first. Oh? Oh no Silly Wall. I attacked once more with lot more force. 


I Broke through and landed on the other side, knocking myself out...

To Be Continued...

A/N: Short for a Prologue, but that's all there is to it. Second chapter will have more happening i Promise.

The Gaster of RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now