Prologue: The Audition

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Year: 1994

After a week of anxiety and nerves, it was finally time for the audition. I was so nervous! The other week, my mum saw an advert from Bad Boy Entertainment asking for girls to audition to be in a girl group. Bad boy is such a big label, and this was my opportunity to be famous and successful. I had been performing at school and doing singing and dancing classes, so I felt prepared, but I didn't want to crack under the pressure.
"Are you ready Serena?" My mum said as we pulled up to the place. When i was finally there, it was a strange feeling.
"Stay calm, you're a great singer and you've prepared for this. Just walk in and do your thing. you're a star, sweetie." She said to me as I opened the door.
"Thanks mum, love you!" I replied as I ran through the front door of the studio.

When i walked in, I signed in and then went to sit with the other girls. That's when I met Aubrey. She was so pretty with long wavy hair. It felt like everyone's eyes were glued to me when i walked in.
"I knew there would be a lot of people auditioning but i wasn't expecting this many." She said to me when i sat down next to her.
"I know right. It's kinda intimidating seeing this much competition." My leg began to shake as I started to get more nervous.
I then realised i was the youngest person in the room.
"Anyway I'm Aubrey" She said to me with a calming smile
"Oh I'm Serena. Nice to meet you!" i replied.
After having a chat with Aubrey, I was then called in for the audition.
"Good luck girl, you've got this!" Aubrey said to me as i walked through. I gave her a smile.

In this other room, there were a couple of judges and then Puff Daddy himself. (Remember it's the 90s lol) They asked me to sing a song. I knew what song I was going to do as I had been practicing it for a long time. I sang Vision of Love by Mariah Carey. I gave it my all that audition.

I had a vision of love
and It was all that you've given to me
You treated me kind
Sweet destiny

I walked out of the room, wished Aubrey the best, then headed home. The next couple of days all I could think about was the audition and i couldn't wait to hear back to see if i was good enough.

After 4 days of waiting, I finally got a call.
"Hello, is this Serena Cortez?" They said quietly down the phone.
"Yes, that's me." I responded
"This is Bad Boy entertainment, we are calling to let you know that, after your recent audition, the judges are really impressed and you have made it into the top 15! Congratulations!" I jumped and screamed after hearing the news and rushed over to tell my mum. We were both so excited!

The next week, I went back for the next audition, and I was happy to see that Aubrey made it through. This audition was all about dancing, which was great cause I loved dancing, but this other girl, Leighanne, was an incredible dancer which made me nervous as to whether I was a good enough dancer. We had to do individual dances and then we were put into different groups to dance together so the judges could visualise a group. After we did the dances, the judges cut us down to just 10 girls. This was the final part of the audition and now I started to get anxious.

With only 10 girls left, it was getting intense. The judges started switching us in and out of groups to make a decision on who they want in the group. We were singing and original song called Superstar. I had a lot of fun doing it but you could feel the tension between the other girls. After a couple hours of singing and doing the dance routine in different groups, the judges decided they had finally seen enough and they have decided on a group. We all sat there in silence waiting to hear from them.
"We have decided on who will be in the band..." Puffy said.
"Aubrey... Dawn.... Leighanne.... Casandra and....."
I couldn't believe it. Did I just make it into the group? It felt unreal! Me and the rest of the girls hugged and started cheering.
"Yes we did we are gonna be famous!" Aubrey said to me and we both hugged each other.

Not long after that, we became Queen 5 and recorded our first song, Superstar, which became a smash hit, and this is the beginning of my rise to fame. Then I met someone that changed everything.

Hey I know this is kinda bad and rushed but i wanted to get into the juicy stuff as I know that's what you guys came for but yh i needed to set the scene a bit and i know its really unrealistic but its fantasy so like whatever lol but it gets better i promise xx

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