The New Justice League: Origin

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"I have a bad feeling about this, Bruce. Do you really think this is a good idea?"
Clark Kent, also known by his hero name Superman, looks at his former colleague, Bruce Wayne aka Batman.
It's been some time since the Justice League was disbanded.
Two of the best heroes sat right across from each other at a wooden table in a small Kansas farmhouse that belonged to the Kent family.
"I do. Crime has gotten worse everywhere we look and we cant fight all the villians by ourselves anymore. Our kids are more than capable of fighting them just as much as we did in the past." Bruce keeps a monotone expression as he watches Clark.
"Your kids, Bruce. None of the others I still keep in contact with raise child soldiers."
Bruce frowns slightly. "They're not child soldiers."
"I'm pretty sure at least two of them are." Clark mutters, referring to the twins.
Bruce hears him and sighs softly. "Irregardless, I believe recreating the Justice League will solve a lot of our problems and I also believe that Sarah will be a good asset to the League."
"Is that so? Because I remember the last time I let one of my children join in on one of your scandals. He didn't make it out alive." Clark says with venom in his tone.
Clark's son, Jonathan, always insisted on going on missions with his then boyfriend, Damian. That was the day that put an awkward divide between the Kents and the Waynes.
Bruce frowns slightly. "I don't know how many times I can apologize for what happened to Jonathan, Clark. But it's not going to be like that for Sarah. She'll have a team behind-"
"How do you know that?!" Clark interrupted, standing to his feet and gripping the table as he leaned towards Bruce. "How do you know that she's not going to be next, huh?! Unlike you, Bruce, I give my children a chance at a normal life. One outside of hero work. And for you to strut into my house and tell me that you want my daughter out there fighting villains after losing her older brother to them, is completely unacceptable!"
It went quiet as the air filled with thick tension. Clark sighs and sits back down. "I can't lose another kid, Bruce...My answer is no. Sorry."
The men look over and see Sarah standing by the stairs, looking at them.
Clark's expression softened as he saw the face of his daughter. "What is it, Sarah?"
Sarah walks closer until shes a foot away from the table. "I want to do it. I want to join this new hero group." She had been listening from the top of the stairs the entire time.
Clark looks at his daughter with an expression full of worry. "Are you sure, Sarah? You are aware of how dangerous it is, right?"
Sarah nods, not breaking eye contact with her dad. "I'm sure. Jonathan would have wanted me to do it. He would have even argued with you on it. Besides, I want to do it too. I want to help people. Just like you." Her expression was serious.
Clark sighs softly and looks down to the ground. He knew she was right. Both his children turned into miniature versions of himself. Determined and Stubborn. He looks back up at her and nods. "Alright. You can go."
Sarah smiles brightly and hugs her father around his neck. "Thanks Dad!"
He hugs her back tightly as if trying to not to let her go quite yet. "Be careful.." he whispers in her ear.
"I will." She whispers back.
He gives her a final squeeze before, reluctantly, letting her go.
Bruce stood up from his chair. "Go ahead and pack some essentials. You're going to be in Gotham for a while."
Sarah looks at Bruce and nods before running back up the stairs.
Clark watches her go and looks back to Bruce. "If anything happens to her, I'm going up to Gotham and killing you myself."
"Nothing's going to happen to her but I'll take your word on it." Bruce said simply.

After Sarah had gotten all packed and said her goodbyes, her and Bruce headed out to Gotham.
When they arrive, he takes her near the outskirts of the city to a base area.
Sarah walks into the base area and before she could set her bags down, she gets tackle-hugged.
"Sarah! You came!" The perpetrator said happily before letting go. It was Antiope, the youngest Wayne sibling.
Sarah smiles and shrugs a bit. "Yeah I did. I had to convince my dad to let me though."
Antiope nods, understanding what she meant. "Yeah. I get it. I'm glad he said yes though." She looks behind her. "Damian, you antisocial bug, come say hi!"
Damian reluctantly stepped forward and looked at Sarah with a blank expression. "Hello Kent."
Sarah's smile dropped to a frown. "Wayne." She says bitterly. She hadn't fully forgiven Damian for what happened to Jonathan so they were both on awkward grounds with each other.
Damian looks at his little sister. "I'll be in the training room." He walks off.
Antiope sighs and shakes her head before looking at Sarah again. "He hates the situation almost as much as you, ya know. He feels guilty about it."
"Good. He should." Sarah replies before taking her bags and going to claim a room.
Antiope watches her leave before shaking her head. She could tell things were gonna be awkward for a while.

A/N: I've been wanting to do this for a while and I'm glad I was finally able to. Hopefully yall enjoy this story and know that plenty more are to come!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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