chapter 6 party

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You guys go into the car (the car of your dreams ) and it takes about 1 hour to get there as soon you get there you open the car door and see everyone starring at you and tony and that's when you see your mom and dad but they always said  "ignore us at partys" then you get inside and see gorgeous decorations and beautifully dressed, suits also tony grabs by the hand and takes to meet someone and that when you see your ex sam that would always lay hands on you and hs father that almost killed your pratents because he wouldn't let sam date you 

Tony: hey bro how have you been 

sam: good how about you bro 

tony: I would like you to meet someone 

sam: who 

y/n: hello 

sam: wow who is this pretty thing 

tony: its y/n 

sam: hi y/n nice to meet you 

y/n: hi-i sam 

Sam: don't be nervous how about me and you hang out

y/n: su-re let me ask tony be right back 

you called tony over and said 

y/n: sam wants to hang out with me and I'm saying if that's fine with you 

tony: of course 

you gulped at that 

you went with sam to a table and that's when he said 

sam: hey babygurl 

y/n: don't call me that sam I'm not your gf anymore before you tried to kill my mom and dad and put hands on me 

sam: well how else were you going to listen to me 

y/n: well if just talked out the stuff then yeah 

sam: well you are going to be mine again you hear me 

y/n: how about no thank you, I have feelings for someone else 

sam: well you have no choice because I see your mom and dad at this party 

y/n: don't you dare put a hand on them or else

sam: or else what y/n 

y/n: ill shoot you 

sam: you don't know how to use one anyways 

you take his gun and point on him and it shocks him then tony sees you and take the gun away from you and says 

tony: what is wrong with you  y/n

y/n: stay out of this tony 

tony tell me what going on pls y/n

y/n: he is my abusive ex 

tony was shocked about what you said ad then out of nowhere you sam pulling out a gun and pointing to your parents  that's when you yell


sam: then be my gf 

tony: she won't be your gf sam 

you see he was about to pull the trigger and you yell to your parents 


                                                                        Erica pov ( your mom) 

when I hear someone screaming mom and dad watch out I see my daughter with her ex in the second floor pointing a gun at us I move me and my husband before a bullet hit us and that's when I see y/n running towards us  

y/n: mom are you ok you too dad 

y/m: I'm fine sweety 

y/d: I'm also fine to sweety 

y/n: thank goodness 

                                                                                      you're pov

that when you see your dads gun and you take it  and you go upstairs and point it at sam his bodyguards pointing guns at you and that when you was about to pull the trigger that when tony calls out 

tony: Y/N DON'T DO IT 

you ignore him and that's when you hear a gunshot and when you see your parts laying on the floor that's when screaming 


sam: what are you going to do about it 

you run downstairs and   go to your parent's body laying floor crying and tony follows behind you 

y/n: someone calls ambulance pls 

nobody did that's when you cry even more until tony calls the ambulance 


no answer that when you hear the ambulance outside the door they some in take your mom and dad to the hospital and you are waiting at the hospital the doctors come out saying that 

doctor: miss y/l/n your parents didn't make I'm sorry 

y/n: wait what where were they get shot 

doctor:  they got shot in the heart 

y/n: oh ok *you start crying* 

you and tony get home and that when you start going into a home gym that tony has and you see boxing gloves you put them and start punching the punching bag and taking all out the anger and the negativity and that when tony sees you and says 

tony: y/n this isn't going change anything 

y/n: I'm just taking out my anger 

that's when you start punching harder and harder that's when you give up and hug tony and start crying into his chest 

tony: let it all out 

you guy stair into each other eyes that when tony lean in kisses you passionately and you kiss bak and start making out for a while and you guys separate from each other and say 

tony: y/n would you like to go on date with me pls

y/n: I would love too 

words: 856

A/n: so maybe next I might do a smut chapter 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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