Chapter 4 New Beginnings

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Z-bomb had been searching for a month at this point and Astroll was getting impatient, as was Ashara and basically everyone else involved, meaning Z-bomb. She was getting bored and she hated to be bored, her entire identity revolves around doing fun stupid things and she wanted to keep that up, mostly because it was a fun life. Now she was playing hunter and she hated it. Her brother had been a bounty hunter but she hadn't seen him in years and doing this made her understand why her brother was so hateful and bitter. For the first time in years she was feeling pissed off and she didn't like it.

She had looked around all of the cities on the planet except for one, the city of Frankfurt. She had been walking to the city for a day now, she would have gotten there in a few hours but she found a theme park and had spent most of the day waiting in lines and she ended up sleeping in a hotel room. Now it was about eleven in the morning and Z-bomb finally walked into the city of Frankfurt. The city was a large one with a small population of lyzards in the city. She started walking door to door to each of them using social media to try and find them, half of the time she wasn't answered, a quarter of the time she had a door slammed in her face, and a quarter of the time no one knew about a girl lyzard named Lilith, that is until she reached the outskirts of the city.

Z-bomb walked up to a rather nice house as she looked threw her purse and got a piece of candy and then she knocked on the door. The door opened and a middle aged looking man opened the door and looked down at the little human who was holding a piece of candy up to him as she said, "Look, i need information to help someone, and if you talk to me you get this piece of candy, my treat!"

The man took the candy and then ate it and smiled as it actually tasted surprisingly good so after he swallowed it he rolled his shoulders before he said, "Well I guess I owe you a bit of information now, what do you want to know, and no I will not help you do anything, you'd have to get me a lot than candy to do that."

Z-bomb smiled widely as she thought for a second before she said, her voice so excited that she tripped over her words, "Alright so like, I'm only friends with this lyzard girl named Lilith who lives on this planet and apparently her mom died recently and she told me about it and then disappeared and that was like a month ago and I'm like really worried about her and about it she's alive or not is she in this city, do you have any idea where she is, she had vampire fangs apparently, because, her mom apparently had that vampire disease, have you seen her?"

The man was barely able to understand Z-bomb but luckily for her he had actually seen someone like that just a few hours ago so he scratched the back of his neck as he explained, "Actually I did see someone that fits that description at the alleyway near the intersection at fourth street and Main Street, she didn't really look that good so you might want to get to her soon, I think she was asleep, sorry to hear about your friend ma'am, can I help."

"You already did, anyways, I got to go and I need to go now, thank you so much, see you, Well probably never but thank you so much!" Z-bomb didn't wait to hear whatever he said as she broke off in sprint running as fast as she could as she started to get her hopes up. She had finally gotten a specific point about where her target was and she was beyond excited. She had been looking for two weeks with only two breaks, the theme park, and to assist in the bombing of a peanut farm on one of the planet's many moons.

Z-bomb walked to the alley and she almost instantly saw her target and she literally jumped for joy, quite a few times at that. She saw a lyzard that looked to be about eight feet tall, very tall for a female of that species and taller than most males. She was well built and had a black jumpsuit on, she was also leaning against a wall fast asleep in the middle of the day and she looked horrible. Z-bomb walked over to Lilith and quickly ran a finger over her tongue only to discover her tongue was dry so Z-bomb grabbed her water bottle and started to slowly drip the water into the girls mouth until she had drunk the entire bottle.

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