3- Good timing? or is it?

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It was saturday today and that meant i would be able to hang out with Kaito!

We both made plansthat day. Today we're gonna work on the project and if we get to finish it then we might also work on our other missing assignments. Im so eager! Because im finally gonna be able to hang out with somebody! Not to sound lonely or anything...

It was around 1:30pm that i started getting ready. To begin with, i straightened my hair, then did a little of makeup and last but not least i picked a casual fit. Okay maybe i was doing a bit to much... But who cares!? I wanna look nice in front of Kaito i can't be looking like complete ass when he comes over! I roll my eyes as i continue doing my makeup.

"Okay im done!" i look at myself in the mirror and start admiring myself. "Maybe i don't look so bad after all" i say all confident for ONCE. I was wearing a big oversize (pink) hoodie with some (white) tight highs. "Now i look great don't I?" I squeel in excitement. As i was to busy admiring myself i hear the doorbell ring.


I quickly go downstairs to answer the door. Once I open the door i see kaito holding his journal wearing a casual fit that really does fit him. He was wearing a purple t-shirt with some dark blue shorts.

"Hey kaito" i smile

"Hey" he looks at me with a tiny blush

In kaito's mind

She looks really good, should i compliment her? No! of course i should! She has to know how beautiful she looks!

Back to your point of view

Why does he keep staring at me? I question myself in my head. "Kaito??" I wave my hand infront of his face.

"Ah crap sorry i got distracted by you're beauty"

Right away what he said made my whole face turn red and It made me looked away. "Anyways! come in we could sit down in the living room and work on the project there" i say

"Are you're parents okay with me being here?" Kaito questions looking around as he comes in.

"Oh don't worry there not here" i smile as i take a seat in the couch.

"Are you sure i don't wanna bother them?"

"I said im sure kaito" i say in a serious more tone. He then gets confused a little bit as to why my voice got a bit more serious.


While were both sitting down on the couch working on our project me and kaito suddenly hear something strange upstairs.

"What was that?"

"Oh sorry about that, that must be my dad" i say sarcastically 😅

"I thought you said you're parents weren't here?" Kaito asks confused

"Oh their not"

"Then why did you say that was you're dad?"

"I'll go check on him" i get up and start heading upstairs.

"Wait-" kaito yells for me but i keep walking.

I start knocking super hard on my parents door.


In the other side of the room

A person's shadow is making noise by hitting his head to the wall resulting on him making noise, once he hears someone yelling for him, he turns to look at the door to start walking towards it.


You hear an unknown voice from the other side of the room it sounded like whispering or some sort?

"What do you want?" The voice said very slow in a deep tone.

"I KNOW THAT'S YOU DAD! WHY WON'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! BOTH YOU AND MOM!" I yell into the door feeling mad with sadness

"It's not me" the voice says back

"IT'S BOTH OF YOU! IM DONE!" i open my parents bedroom and the shadow person comes up right to my face causing me to have a panic attack, i step back really quickly and as i was about to fall in my back i turn around and see kaito trying to grab a hold of me.

In kaito point of view

Why is she yelling? Im so confused. She clearly said her parents were okay with me being here but then she also said they weren't here? So why is she yelling at them? What's going on?? Suddenly i hear A LOT OF NOISE coming from upstairs so me being a little to curious wanted to know what's going on. So i went upstairs to check on (y/n)

Back to the situation upstairs in you're pov now

"(Y/n)??? Are you okay!?" Kaito has a worried look on his face as he turns me around to look at his face.

"I uh is just my mom and dad won't leave me alone!" i close my eyes putting both my hands on my head feeling scared.

"What do you mean you said you're parents weren't here!?" He looks inside the room of my parents being more confused than ever.

"They are here! They been haunting me!during my whole life! I don't know if it's in my head but i feel them here it still feels like there presence is HERE!" I shout looking like a total crazy person.

"Wait what do you mean? I thought you had parents?" He questions.

"The truth is"

Wait until the next chapter comes up! I'll be updating this story every friday!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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