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"Mika! your package is here!". I hear my mom call from down stairs. It was a week before Christmas, I was trying to get all my family and my friends there presents before next week. I run down stairs to see my mom placing the package on the coffee table in the living room. I sit down on the couch and grab the package and my pocket knife. I cut it open to see four bags for three of the gifts I bought for my friend. "These are the last ones I needed! Now all I need to is hope that all my friends are going to be at school tomorrow heh." I say closing the box and leaving the pocket knife on the table forgetting about it. "I'm gonna go back to my room mom! call me when dinner is ready!" I say grabbing the box and running back to my room locking the door behind me. I open my closet to see all the presents were I left them. I grab all of them out of my closet then placed them on the bedroom floor same with the ones in the box. I take out the wrapping paper and start wrapping all the gift with one of my ear buds in my ear listening to music.

I finish wrapping the last gift as my mom calls me down for dinner. I go downstairs and sit at the table as she places the food down. She sits down then starts to eat as I do the same. "So I got a call from your work, they told me that your shift has been moved to next Monday at 12:00AM" my mom says staring at me. I swallow my food then reply to her, "Alrighty mom thanks for telling me." She nods then we continue eating.

I finish eating then stand up. I grab my plate and place it in the sink then run upstairs. I go into my room locking my door behind me. I get changed into my space themed pajama shorts and put on a plain white oversized T-shirt. I brush my hair and placed all the gifts back into my closet. I grab my phone of my bed and put it on my charger. I get into bed pulling the covers over my body then turned on the T.V and went to sleep.

I hear my alarm go off as I open my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I stretched then got out of bed. I unlocked my room door then started walking over to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face then head back to my room. I brush my hair then put a little makeup on my face. I grab my uniform out of my closet and put it on fixing the messed up collar. I grab fingerless gloves out of my drawer then put them on. I take my phone off the charger and look at the time. I turn my phone back off and throw it on my bed. I go downstairs to see pancakes and a note on the dinner table- well breakfast table right now ->-. I eat the pancakes then go back to grab my phone from my room grab my bag then go back downstairs and put my shoes on. I walk out the door locking it then head to school. "You know mom, I would like it if you would greet me out before school.." I mumble walking to school my head down. My mom always has to go to work early so I never see her before school but of course my friends don't know I don't want them to feel sorry for me. I reached school to see snow all over the trees and flowers. "Isn't snow so pretty Mika?" Kanai Said, Yuriko Kanai, my best friend. Kanai has long blonde hair, and green eyes. She's been my friend since first grade and is the kindest girl I know.
 "I got you a chrismas gift~" Kanai says, holding out a blue rapped present and handing it to me as I take it. I open it to see a beautiful purple and blue bracelet. "Thanks Kanai. You always have the best presents. And I also have a gift for you but you just have to wait till the end of the day." I say winking as we walk inside.

~Later after lunch~

I was heading back to class as I remember something. I left the gift I made for Kanai on the roof. I had already given all my other friends there gifts and I can't lose Yuriko's present. I stop in my tracks and run all the way to the roof not stopping. When I reached the roof I instantly saw the gift lying there on the ground. I walk over to it and pick it up. "I am so glad nobody stole this." I say then turn around to head back, but instantly as I turn around I see a guy dressed in black and freak out and act on instinct, "Who the hell are you?!" I yell as the guy seemingly gets freaked out and throws the knife at me hitting my eye. I instantly lose my balance and stumble backwards still trying to remain standing holding my eye. But I couldn't catch my balance in time. Before I could regain my balance I had fallen of the roof and then everything went black before I woke up in a classroom wearing something completely different then my school uniform.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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