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Esme had never been so scared in her entire life. Sure, she'd been nervous, but she'd never been in a situation where she might not have made it out alive. She knew her parabatai was right behind her, but the thought provided little comfort.

This wasn't training anymore. This was a real battle, with real stakes. Lives were on the line. And the mere thought of someone losing their life made shivers go down Esme's spine.

"What do we do?" Cecelia asked her.

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst," Esme breathed, her seraph blade forming an arc of light in the air before plunging into yet another Khora demon.

Before she could communicate any further, a terrible scream sounded through the park. But Cecelia and Esme were almost completely surrounded by various Khora demons, forming a circle around their prey.

Cecelia moved first, flinging her body onto the demon closest to her, knocking it over. Esme took the opportunity to kill the demon, taking a dagger someone had dropped and throwing it in its direction, taking care to avoid Cecelia.

The demon evaporated, but there were still plenty more. They surged forward, only to be promptly killed by one of the Montclaire twins. They'd set up a system: Cecelia would take care of any demons that escaped Esme's guard, and vice versa.

But they kept coming. Esme hadn't had the opportunity to apply any runes, and she was growing tired as a result. Soon, she'd not be of much use. It certainly didn't help that she wore a dress.

In her daze, Esme didn't notice Cecelia screaming for her to get out of the way. Before she could process anything that was going on, a demon captured her in its jaws, beginning to carry her away as she kicked and struggled. She watched as her seraph blade was knocked from her hand, rendering her defenseless.

Cecelia didn't have an opportunity to help her twin, as she was occupied with another demon. So, Esme was left to fight alone.

Just as she was beginning to lose hope, the demon vanished in a spray of ichor.

Christopher rushed to her side, offering his hand to help her up. "Are you alright?"

Esme's hand shook violently as she reached out to clasp his, but he didn't seem to notice. "I'm great," she said. "Never better."

She moved to retrieve her weapon, but there was no need; the demons had vanished. If they had been defeated or they retreated in victory or defeat, Esme didn't know.

"Do you need an iratze?" Christopher asked her then, fidgeting with his stele.

She shook her head, sending him what she hoped to be a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Thank you, for helping me out."

Esme ran across the park, calling out the names of her siblings. She found Nick first, and he crushed her against him in a hug, muttering under his breath.

She pulled away, clutching his shoulders tightly. "Nick, are you alright?"

He looked like he was about to pass out, but he nodded. "Where is Celia?"

She caught a glimpse of her twin, bloody and looking at the ruins around her with a grim expression. Esme reacted quickly, her legs carrying her in Celia's direction.

They collided, throwing their arms over each other as if the other would disappear if they let go.

"Are you both alright?" Christopher asked, his voice weak.

Esme pulled away and nodded. "What can I do to help?"

"I'm not entirely sure. We'll likely take the wounded to the Institute so the Silent Brothers can treat them."

Intelligent Fools~ Christopher Lightwood {1}Where stories live. Discover now