Private party

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I look at the clock and it says 8:23 I rush out of my apartment and get into the elevator. I look in the elevator and see a girl that might be in here early 20's she looks up at me and says squealing ."OH MY GOD ARE YOU Y/N L/N". I look at her with a big smile on my face because I love meeting my fans. without them I would not be who I am today. I look at her and say. "yes the one and only". she ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I don't really like when fans do that but I didn't really mind she pulls back and says joyfully. "OH MY GOD IM SUCH A BIG FAN YOUR MY FAVORITE AVENGER OUT OF EVERYONE". I giggle at how happy she is, she takes out her phone and askes if she can have a picture. I say yes of course, she gets into a selfie stand and takes a couple pictures of me and her. the elevator doors open and I say walking out the elevator to "to tag me and say elevator besties". as the elevator doors closes I can still hear her squealing in the elevator I giggle to myself and get in my car. I put the address in my GPS and it says arrive at detonation in 30 minutes I look at the time and see that it's 8:29 I sigh in relief thankful for no traffic. as I pull up to the private club at 9:18. I can see a couple of fans and people with cameras trying to get a autograph or a picture. I see Tom Hiddleston walk in with Chris hemsworth I get out of my car and the fans stop trying to get to tom and Chris, the look at me and come running over to me thank you Jesus that there was body guards and ropes blocking the people from getting to me. I get in the club and see this 

(the private club multi story club with bedrooms, dance floor, and lots of drinks)

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(the private club multi story club with bedrooms, dance floor, and lots of drinks)

I mumble to myself and say "wow Downey really out did himself" I look around and see Sebastian and Anthony on a couch drinking shot after shot to see who can drink more ."why is it always a compaction when it comes to them". Chris Evans said behind me I jump up scared that he was there he laughs at the fact he scared me. "hahah you never get scared how did I scare you". he counties to laugh at me I put on a face that screams (go or I will hit you) face, he looks at me  scared to death and runs off I see him disappear in the crowd of actors. I go up to the bar and the bartender looks me up and down and smirks. she leans on the counter with her elbows on the counter giving her full attention to me she says ."what can I get you pretty lady". I look at her and lick my lips and say  "just beer please". she smiles and says." anything for you". she grabs a glass and puts it under the beer fountain. she pours it and purposely overflowing it causing it to spill on her fingers she puts the glass in front of me and looks me in the eyes will licking her fingers to lick the beer off. I look at her and bite my lip realizing she is actually really attractive. I sip on my beer and see her pouring more shots for Anthony and Sebastian god she will be doing that all night.

Elizabeth pov 

I walk into the bar and see a couple of my cast members on the dance floor and some at the bar. but one person catches my eye, she is easily the most beautiful person I have ever meet in my entire life the way her y/h/c falls past her y/h/l. they way her y/e/c look in the sunlight I could stare at them all day. a professional painter could not even paint the beauty of her eyes. I start to look at every part of her body. the way those tight jeans hugs every curve of her body. I start to walk up to her but, I see over her shoulder I see her flirting with the bartender and I can tell because the bartenders cheeks are bright rosy red and them giggling. she has always been that type of person to get anyone. with just one look at her that's how I found out that I'm bisexual I never told anybody about it because I like to keep my love life out of conversations. I'm brought out of my thinking when I see her and the bartender go sit on the couches and hemsworth goes up to them and brings her and the bartender a plateful of shots. I go up to the bar and get a margarita, I try not to look over at her and the bartender drinking shot after shot but I just can help myself staring at them with a jealous face. I stop staring at her and the bartender, when Paul Bettany comes up to me and says. "you can do a little better than a margarita". I look at him and giggle and place my drink down he reaches over the bar and grabs a bottle of bourbon and a two glasses.  he looks at me and smiles while pouring a drink for me and him I giggle because he is always so nice to me and he is my closets friend when it comes to work. he hands me a glass I say thank you. I look over at Y/N and the bartender and see that Y/N is totally wasted and will most likely do something stupid, she always does that at parties. Paul notices me and realizes that I'm jealous of them, he speaks up over the loud music and says." \you shouldn't be jealous of them". I look at him with a confused face on. "Why would I be jealousy of them". I shout over the louds music. he looks at me with a surprised face on and says. "because I know about the little crush you have on her". I look at him shocked and say. "was it really  that obvious". he looks at me with a shocked and surprised face and says laughing. "I was just kidding I didn't know you actually like her". I look at him worried that he'll tell everyone and he swipes his finger over his mouth like he is zipping his lips shut he says." secret safe with me". and throws a imaginary key. I smile and we both giggle and talk about random things.

Y/N pov 

As I finish my 6th shot I look over my shoulder and see Paul and lizzie talking and laughing together, I got to admit I was a little jealous but it didn't show because I was super drunk and I knew they were best friends nothing more. I turn my attention back to my shots and the bartender that was leaning on my chest and sipping on her beer. little did I know the bartender saw me looking at lizzie and Paul and she could tell I was a little jealous but she looked back at her beer and counited sipping it. I was about to drink my 7th shot when out of know where the bartender turned my head to face her I looked at her with a confused face and she pulled my face to hers and kissed me I heard a couple of cheers from my fellow cast members and we started to make out.

Elizabeth pov

I was talking to Paul about random things. when I heard cheers coming from the couch area I look over and see Y/N and the bartender making out and I was steaming with jealousy, I didn't even care if she was drunk or not it still broke my heart. Paul looks at me and just rubs my shoulder to comfort me he looks sad because he can tell I was upset because he now knows that I like her. I then see the bartender get up from the couch and reach out for Y/N hand and the both run off and go upstairs. I start to think and remember that there are bedrooms in this club so I know exactly where there going. I don't feel sadness anymore all I fell is anger. I reach over the bar and grab a bottle of vodka from behind the bar I pour 2 shots and down them both, Paul looks at me shocked on what will happen next he say. "what are you do-" he stops talking to me when I walk off and start to run up the stairs that Y/N and the bartender just ran up from a few minutes ago I don't think, I just keep going up the stairs.

ok so I know I said that this chapter will be smut but I wanted to add this part to make it make more sense sorry if you were expecting smut but I promise next chapter will be smut and trust me it will get good soon I don't know yet if I will post the next chapter tonight or tomorrow but I promise it will come today or tomorrow save the story so you know when I post love you guys:)

Elizabeth OlsenXFemale Reader After partyWhere stories live. Discover now