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08. Cult Culture


"DO YOU THINK EMERSON IS OKAY? HE SEEMED A BIT UPSET." I asked Reese as I drove off to his apartment.

"I don't think he likes the murdering part we had to do and hiding a body." Reese answered.

"Most people don't like that, but it was necessary. That man attacked you and turning yourself in is counterproductive to the entire point of what we are trying to accomplish. Living a normal life and hopefully escaping or getting rid of this cult." I reminded him.

Reese smiled. "Crazy knowing a few weeks ago we were normal and now we have a cult breathing down our necks and an appetite for sex." Reese mused.

"A lot better than being dead." I reminded him and Reese smiled.

"Yeah, lot better than dead." Reese agreed as I drove up to his apartment and put my car in park next to his lawn.

"Here you are." I told Reese stopping at his apartment and smiling at him.

"Thank you for dropping me off as well as the food. Besides some asshole attempting to murder me it was nice. I'll see you tomorrow." Reese told me and I nodded. With that he went up the lawn and into his house.

Once he was out of sight, I put my car into drive and went home. After parking my car, I went inside and was greeted by my mom and dad sitting in the kitchen.

"Did you eat?" Mom asked as I came in.

"I did, Emerson, Reese, and I had some seafood for dinner." I told her and she smiled as dad looked at me as he set his fork down.

"How is Reese?" Dad asked.

I made sure to answer this one carefully. Dad didn't like Reese's mother at all and I'm sure if he could find something incriminating on her he'd lock her ass up without hesitation. Most didn't like Reese's mom though. "He's doing good, I think he's just relieved that we are graduating and then doing our road trip." I told dad.

"Speaking of the road trip where are you three planning on heading?" Dad asked.

"We aren't exactly sure yet, but we have a lot of money saved up for it. We opened a specific savings account that we've been putting money into. We'll probably start transferring into our checking account once we graduate." I told him and dad nodded.

I smiled at him. "Speaking of graduating, I have your three's graduation party all settled out along with a date. You just have to pass out cards if you plan to invite anyone." Mom said tapping a stack of cards next to her.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to tell Emerson and Reese tomorrow." I told her as I walked over and picked up the cards.

With that I headed back to my room and stored the cards in my backpack before sitting down on my bed. I felt exhausted today. More so than usual. But dumping a dead body isn't exactly an easy activity to do.

I was a bit surprised at the lack of guilt I felt but I didn't dive into it. This man had come at Reese with a knife. We didn't even know why either. I didn't recall him being there when we were sacrificed.

I didn't have the energy right now to start questioning it though. Right now, I think I'm just going to open up Netflix and binge watch some shows before I feel tired enough to sleep.


I binged four episodes before falling asleep. In the morning dad was already gone for work. I woke up a little late, so I made sure to get everything done quickly. After I had everything done, I grabbed my bagel sandwich and ran out the door to my car.

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