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(Name)'s backstory:
Her mother and father loved each other very much but when she was born, her father decided to leave her mother for another woman, after that they moved in Japan, where they met Harui Kodai, Kodai's father, they both eventually got married when they started dating each other.

(Name)'s mother wanted a baby, so (Name) can have someone who can company her and learn to share things with, then at December 19, Yui Kodai was born.

(Name) was only a baby that time meaning she couldn't crawl yet, but her and Yui grew up like actual sister.

Fun fact: Yui was upset when she found out that (Name) isn't really her sister, and Yui thought that (Name) would be taken away by her father, but her mother told her that (Name) just have a different father but they both have the same mother.

Yui still treated (Name) like a real sister.

As for Harui, Harui adored (Name) he always spoiled her with expensive objects, whenever (Name) points at something she wants Harui will buy it immediately.

Of course that doesn't mean he doesn't love his own daughter he would also do the same to Yui, he'll make sure to love both of them equally.

(Name)'s father, Felix (Last Name), married a woman named Akira.

Akira was the woman who Felix had an affair with (Name)'s mother, Akira gave birth to two children, one boy and one girl.

This means (Name) has three siblings, one from her mother and two from her father.

(Name)'s two siblings are Himari (Last Name) and Haruto (Last Name).

Haruto is (Name)'s older brother, Akira and Felix hit it off right away, and that's when Haruto came into the picture.

Himari is Haruto's twin sister, also as (Name)'s older sister.

You might be wondering, 'oh! That means Akira, Himari and Haruto are probably evil stepmother and step-siblings'.

No, we are not dealing with the cinderella cliché.

Akira is actually a sweet woman, she never knew Felix had a girlfriend, which is (Name)'s mother, she felt guilty after knowing that you and your mother existed, since she already had Himari and Haruto.

Himari is a very optimistic girl, she loves going in adventures and she never takes things seriously, she also loved her little sister (Name) they met before, but (Name) hardly ever talked to them.

Haruto is the opposite of Himari, he takes things VERY seriously, he doesn't have anytime for adventures he is always busy for college, he also met (Name) he was completely shock, since (Name) and his father look alike.

Felix however is the 'evil' one, he never paid attention to Akira and his kids when they were 9-13 years old, he only paid attention to his younger daughter (Name), he was furious when her mother took her away from him.

(Name) doesn't have a very healthy relationship with her father, she despise him, she will never forgive her father because of what he did, he left her mother for another woman, she will never forget what he did to her mother, leaving her isn't the only reason she despises him there's something more...

Hello, my name is (Name) (Last Name) and this is my story on how I met a certain blonde maniac.

552 words

\\Yui Kodai's stepsister// Nieto Monoma x Reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя