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This is me, Moira, your not so famous, not so great author ;)

Thank you so much for reading this book and supporting it! *Throws flying kisses aggressively*

Ending the book with a lot of questions unanswered was deliberate. Who was Taehyung? Did he have a family? Why did he commit suicide? How did Jimin know him? If you must have noticed, all the information regarding Taehyung had been kept coveted and as I had stated in the last chapter that it was therefore never unearthed.

But what if I say a book two is coming that'll answer all your questions? All the things you didn't know about Kim Taehyung?


Ahem, ahem, Peers and Pals, here I present you...



Tale reverse

❝ One flick, the death switch turned off and my woeful life ended just like that.❞

Romping around, his tender lips wreathed in a wide smile -- that would touch one's soul like a sweet sense of a light feather -- and a voluptuous flame ever shone in his large brown eyes flecked with gold, Kim Taehyung though gleamed in everyone's life, he was depriveth of his own self, mournfully depressed in dark ignorance which remained unearthed to the people surrounding him and therefore unfortunately made him flick the death switch of his life.

Join him as he with a heavy heart tells you the untold tale of his woebegone life.

The regret that could never be repented.

The death switch that could never be rewind.

Is he finally happy?


I hope I receive your love and support for book two as well ;)


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