Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

There was something so hopeful about Friday mornings. The corridors buzzed with people discussing and finalizing their Friday night plans, as people got ready to shed the exhaustion built up from a week of endless homework and demanding social constructs.

It was on Friday morning that I walked through the halls, somewhat bouncy, because it was Friday, and the weekends always perked me up.

I felt something. Maybe it was a premonition, but I felt someone watching me as I put my books into my locker. Looking around, I saw a small huddle of girls across the hallway. A few of them turned towards me and regarded my coolly, the makings of a sneer starting to stretch across their faces.

A few girls bid good-bye to the girl in the center, and they left until there were three girls left. A chill ran down my spine—making me shiver—when I noticed Cary was with them. Cary's eyes were brighter today and her eyebrows freshly plucked. She glanced at me, delicately raising an eyebrow.

Then, as she turned away, I noticed a ghost of a smile playing on her lips as she regarded me.

"C'mon," Cary directed her friends, finally looking away. They sauntered away.

I let out a sigh that I didn't realize I was holding. Cary had found new friends, so I should be happy about that. Especially after how angry she was after I stopped being friends with her, but there was something remarkably cold about her gaze.

I had been friends with Cary for a long time, and I knew her emotions were fickle. I could count on her for some kind of emotion—anger, sadness, distress—but I had never seen her emotionless. It kind of scared me.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, I told myself it was nothing. I should be glad that Cary found new friends. It was just paranoia.

How wrong I was.

◦◦ ◦

Dear Person,

Did you do something to Cary? She seemed cold today.

Maybe you didn't. Maybe I'm just paranoid. I'm still a little nervous after our last encounter. I don't want another confrontation with her, but I'm just nervous.

I don't know. She just seemed cold today.

Sorry that this letter is rushed.

Much love,


I folded it up and stuck it halfway in my locker. If my penpal knew where to look, they would find it. If not…Well, I had gone through years without their advice before. I would manage. I always did.

◦◦ ◦

"So…" Susanne ventured, her lips pursed. "Max has a game today."

"Oh?" I feigned interest, although my mind was still on the math in front of me. Susanne and I had a free period, so we were sitting in the library. Most people were in class, but a few sophomores were being loud a few tables away. I had already glared at them a fair bit, but I didn't really have enough social credit to tell them to scram.

"Yeah. You should come. It's a Friday, so we technically don't have to do homework."

Sighing, I agreed. "Those sophomores are too loud to concentrate anyways." A boy sophomore grabbed a girl's sides, and she positively screamed ("I'm-ticklish-you-dickwad!").

"They're not that bad," Susanne said, grinning at their antics.

"They need to wait until they're juniors to understand," I muttered under my breath.

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