Getting Through Without Problems,,, Sort of

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"It's almost time," Percy thought as he paced back and forth on the lawn. "Today is the day that I'll ask the one I love to marry me."

Many students have an array of things on their mind on the day of their graduation; if they are going to continue for a higher degree, their friends, their family, parties, career. But not Percy. The only thing he was thinking about is how not to stumble over his words when he asked his childhood best friend and the boy of his dreams to spend the rest of his life with him.

He had gone over the list of items he needed for his plan to work in his mind every chance he got. "Ring...," he tapped his coat pocket, "check. Note...," he took a small sheet of paper from his back left pocket, "check. Perfectly worded speech that isn't too long, but isn't too short...," he thought for a moment of what the speech consisted of, "check." He needed everything to be perfect for Finn because he deserved nothing less than the best.

Percy was practicing what he would say to the love of his life until he heard a woman's voice calling his name in the distance, "Percy? Percy! Come on, you'll miss your own graduation if you don't hurry!"

"Right, I still have to make it through graduation with nothing going wrong," he thought.

"Hey!" A hand started waving in front of his face.

"Amber?" Percy asked, confused about what was happening.

"GASP..." Amber said dramatically putting the back of her hand against her forehead. "You don't even recognize your own sister's voice? The same sister that raised you?"

Percy sighed at his sisters' dramatic comment, "Of course I know your voice. I'm just busy thinking about Finn to pay that much attention to it."

"Double gasp!! Percy... how rude!" Amber laughed, "Of course you have him on your mind 24/7, what did I expect?" A faint blush painted the boys' cheeks and nose. Percy smiled at the thought of the love of his life, talking about him, and even just thinking of him always seemed to brighten his day. Noticing her brother's smile, Amber let out a low laugh, "Even though he occupies all your free time, I'm glad he found his way into your life, after everything that has happened at home he has always been there to cheer you up." Amber's volume lowered a bit, "even if it wasn't necessarily always legal." Even though she tried hiding what she said, Percy still heard her and chuckled, thinking of all the trouble they could have gotten into if anyone had ever caught them with spray paint tagging buildings or throwing eggs at strangers' cars and houses. He was soon lost in thought once more about his best friend and all the time they spent together. If either one was ever going through a tough time, the other was never far from their side, especially when Finn's mom died and he was entered in the system or when Percy's father would come home a mess and Percy needed an escape.

Amber had continued talking to Percy until she realized he was in his own world, miles away, "Percy! Are you even listening to me" Amber punched his arm a few times, but after that didn't seem to work, she yelled out "Oh no, Percy!" she paused for dramatic effect, "Finn just fell off the stage!"

Word Count: 580

Heyyy, so I know this is kinda short and kinda sucks, but bare with me. Oh and if you have anything against gays you can either leave and stop reading or come fight me :) have a good day!!

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