Is There Still Hope?

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After about 10 minutes, Finn had finally gotten to his destination— a park bench under a tall pine tree. Sitting on the edge of the bench was a blonde boy wearing khakis and a dark blue button-down shirt with a red and black striped tie. He had his chin resting on his palms.

"Percy?" the boy lifted his head slightly when his name was called, "Why did you run off right after graduation ended?" Finn walked over and sat next to his small boyfriend placing his hand on his leg, which made Percy jump a bit from the sudden contact.

"Nothing has been going as I planned," Percy said looking Finn in the eyes. If you didn't know Percy's general appearance you would have missed that his eyes were a shade redder than they usually were.

'Has... has he been crying?' Finn thought to himself. Percy was about to speak again but was stopped by Finn pulling him into a loving hug. "Whatever plan you had can still happen, you just have to let me help. I'm here for you, always." Finn spoke lightly pulling away from the hug ever so slightly so he could see Percy's beautiful golden flaked green eyes which were now holding small tears in the corners.

"I...I love you," Percy said, pulling Finn into a short, but loving kiss. A few seconds passed before Percy pulled away. He thought for a moment as he wiped his eyes dry. "Give me like five minutes," Percy said as he stood up and ran behind a large rock pile that sat about twenty feet from the bench, leaving the latter confused and wondering what was happening.

"Amber?" Percy whispered, trying to find his sister. "Amber!" Percy said louder when he saw her sitting against the boulders.

"Percy? That was quick," Amber said looking up at her brother.

"What?" Percy was a little confused by his sister's statement, then it hit him. "No, no, no," Percy said, waving his hands side to side. "If you're still up for it I was thinking that maybe we could continue the plan?" he suggested looking at his sister's astounded facial expression.

"I'll help, but isn't Finn sitting over on the bench right now? And hasn't almost all of the plan gone terribly wrong?" Amber questioned.

"Well, yes, but..." Percy's sentence was cut short.

"So then I say we should scrap that plan and use what I've come up with." Amber got up and looked over at the still very confused boy sitting on the bench mere feet away. "So, what do you think?" she asked again in hopes for a response from her younger sibling standing in front of her.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I trust you 100%."

Amber grinned at the hopeful boy, "Ok, so here's the plan..."

Word Count: 471

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