25. Confidence Crisis

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Seb sat out on the balcony of their room, staring out at the sunset. Emily knew there was something on his mind. He had barely spoken since arriving in Italy several hours earlier.

He wasn't ignoring her as such, he'd answer if she spoke to him but he had made no move to start a conversation.

He'd been like that at Zandvoort as well. She thought maybe it was something to do with what had happened between him and Chris back at Spa.

Scott had done exactly what he'd said he'd do and rang Franklin Brooke and told him what had happened. No one knew what went down between Franklin and Chris but at Zandvoort Chris had gone, temporarily replaced by Brooke Technical Director Alan Cooper.

Nothing had been said about what Seb had done to Chris either. Perhaps the fear of everyone finding out what he had done to Emily had made Chris think twice, like Scott had predicted.

Seb had refused to talk about what happened between him and Chris. He'd told Emily that it was over and done with and he didn't want to talk about it again.

He was still attentive in bed, in fact more than ever. Emily didn't know what it was but she just knew that something was wrong.

Emily sat with Seb and Britta in the motorhome on Friday morning. It was nearly time for FP 1. Seb stood up and went over to talk to Antti, who was engaged in a conversation with Joe.

"Does Seb seem off to you?" she asked Britta. "I don't know what's wrong but he just doesn't seem himself." Britta took a sip out of her coffee and nodded.

"He's definitely off. Has he not said anything to you?" Emily shook her head.

"No, I've asked but he says he's fine. I'm wondering if it's because of what happened between him and Chris at Spa. Do you think he might be worried that Chris might press charges?"

"Maybe, but I don't think it's likely. Chris will not want it coming out what he did to you. Speaking of you, how are you doing?"

"I'm OK. I'm just relieved he's gone. I owe Scott big time. God knows what could have happened if he hadn't turned up. I'm not going to dwell on it though. I let him ruin my life once before. He's not doing it again."

Britta smiled at the younger woman.

"I'll talk to him. Try not to worry. He has these down episodes every now and then."

"Thanks Britta."

"You're welcome honey."


"Spit it out Seb, what's bothering you?" Britta asked him between FP1 and FP2.

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying to play dumb.

"Seb, I've known you too long for you to deny it. Something is on your mind. Emily has noticed too."

"You and Emily have been talking about me?"

"She's worried. Seb, I wish you wouldn't bottle it up. Emily thinks it might be about Chris."

"No, I don't waste my time thinking about that twat. He's been dealt with."

"So, what is it then?" Seb sighed, dragging his fingers through his hair.

"What if they were right?"


"Ferrari. DiResta. Coulthard. All these people that said I'm done."

"Seb, you're second in the championship. Don't be silly."

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