Before Prologue

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The Fall.

Written By Zalreth.

Warrior Cats Series By: Erin Hunter.



Leader: RippleHawk/Star. (Has a reference drawing. She/Him)
Deputy: HareSky (A siamese tom with dark brown stripes. [Sis:Ripple])
Medicine Cat: Icespring (A white and light blue she.)

Warriors: Cloudleaf (A White, Mixed With Blue Spots Tom.). Grimlake (A black pelted tom, with a white chest.). Runningflame (A red tabby she.) . Waspbird (A yellow, black, and white she.) . Thawsky (A tortoiseshell tom.) . Starkrain (A blue colored she.) . Driftriver (A white, with black and blue swirls and spots tom.). Missingdream (A brown, white, and sandy she.).

Apprentices: Beaverpaw (A brown with black stripes and a sandy muzzle tom.). Fawnpaw (A Light brown, white, and dark brown she.). Applepaw (A very red colored she.). Blackpaw. (A black and dark gray she.)

Elders: Harefish. (A silver, white, and black tom, with a blind eye.)

Queens: Willowheart (A blue, with black and white stripes she.). Rosepond (A orange, red, black, and white she.).

Kits: Skykit(A black with white stripes she [Mom:Willow]) . Rainkit (A fully white tom [Mom:Willow]). Smallkit (A red, and black she [Mom:Rose]).). Leopardkit (A leopard-like tom. [Mom:Rose]) . Lightningkit (A sandy yellow and white she [Mom:Rose]) . Pebblekit (A mixture of dark, light, medium gray, brown-gray, and black. [Mom:Willow]).


Leader: Ashensong/Star. (Has a reference drawing. She/They)

Deputy: Dayfire. (A black, red, and orange tom.)
Medicine Cat(s): Cloverleg (A almost fully white tom, with a light gray x on his throat.). Cloudysea (A blue she, with white, cloud-like spots.).

Warriors: Arcticsun (A light blue, white, and orange she.). Elegantshade (A black, gray, blue, and orange she.) . Mossysting (A she with a green-like yellow pelt, with black stripes.). Shredshadow (A black, with many scars on her body she.). Huntingtree (A tree-like pelted tom.). Mottlespring (A very light yellow, with white tom.). Raven'seye (A raven-like tom.). Feistyblossom (A broken-tailed siamese tom.). Blizzardstem (A snow-like she.). Pinestalk (A pine tree colored tom.)5.

Apprentices: Berrypaw (A brown, white and orange tom.). Foxpaw (A fox-like she.). Batpaw (A bat gray and brown pelt colored she.).

Elders: Tornlegs (A white with black spots tom, with broken front legs.) . Goldeneye (A tuxedo she, with a blind eye that has turned yellow.).

Queens: Frogsong (A tortoiseshell she.). Missingsky (A black, with light blue and white spots.). Fawnflank (A brown she with white speckles on her back.).

Kits: Tatteredkit (A brown with black stripes tom. [Mom:Fawn]). Blizzardkit (A white, fluffy she. [Mom:Missing]). Slatekit (A gray- brown she, that resembles stone. [Mom:Missing]). Tallkit (A tortoiseshell tom. [Mom:Frog]). Willowkit (A blue tom. [Mom:Missing]). Dustkit (A light brown tom, with a white belly.[Mom:Fawn]).


Leader: Lostnight/Star. (Has a reference drawing. They/Them)

Deputy: Elmshade. (A dark gray tom, with a elm tree leaf on his hind leg.)
Medicine Cat: Brownthroat. (A fully white, with a brown splotch on her throat she.)

Warriors: Briarpetal (A fluffy red, and light orange she with dark orange stripes.). Lakewing (A very fluffy tom that is gray, white, and blue.). Antpod (An ant-colored soft tom.). Ripplenight (A black with a gray belly and white speckles tom.). Webhawk (A hawk colored, with many white stripes she.). Nettlesea (A spiky-fluffed she that is a dark gray.).
Apprentices: Birdpaw (A blue-jay colored she.). Newtpaw (A orange bellied, black pelted tom.).

Queens: Cloudypetal (A white, with many flowers on her pelt she.).
Kits: Sparrowkit (A sparrow-colored pelt tom, with a hawk feather.). Silverkit (A smokey she.). Smokekit (A dark gray, light gray, and black tom.).

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