First day

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"Why don't you go and introduce yourself to your patients ?" Ben , one of the helper asked with a big smile on his lips. Today was my first day at Bennington Sanitarium and since I was one of the youngest doctors they wanted me to bond with the elder patients. Well , if I say elder patients they mean the most complicated ones. And one of them was Diana Reid. I read her file and I could tell it would be difficult to work with her, but I was up for the challenge.
Dr Kanington told me she's a bit touchy after her Son visits and values her private time. That's all he knew of her ,and I wondered if anyone even tries to talk with the patients.
It's part of the job , but most of the doctors hide in their Offices to do 'the paper work'.
Well ,that's bullshit.

"Yes, I should do that. I'll start with Martha."
Ben nodded and left , going to read his book behind the shelves. I didn't like him.

With Alice flashing me an assuring smile I made my way out to the backyard. Most of the patients spent their afternoon outside.

When I approached Martha , a poor old lady in a wheelchair , she smiled brightly. Probably because no one else was talking to her.
"Hello Martha, I'm Ares , one of the new doctors." There wasn't much sense in explaining my position , most of the patients wouldn't understand and it wasn't so important anyways.
"You're awfully young. How old are you honey?" She asked , making me laugh. Yah, I heard that a lot. It wasn't usual for someone my age to work in a Sanitarium I guess, expecially as doctor.
"I'm twenty one. Would you like to go on a walk ? There is a park nearby." Her face brightened a bit more when I suggested the walk and I mentally cringed. Maybe I should talk with Ben to care a little more about the patients without family.
"That would be wonderful." I nodded quickly and signed us out. Alice looked surprised when I told her that we go to the park but didn't say anything.
They already told me I'm to nice but who cares.

"So , Martha. I heard your husband was professor ?" I questioned , and with that we got into an easy conversation.
She told me about her dead husband like it was the best time of her life , and I guess it was.

Her life was definitely more interesting than mine.

After an hour of walking we decided to head back but on our way over the bridge Martha started to yell for a woman next to us.

The woman and the man turned around , startled and I tried my best to hold back my smile. "Diana! This is Ares the new doctor. Oh she's wonderful. She took me out on a walk!" Oh fuck. That's Diana Reid. I was a little nervous to meet her because she was intelligent and I hated to talk with people that shared the same intellect like me.
"Aren't you to young to be a doctor ?" She asked bluntly. The young man next to her threw her a glance but she kept staring at me.

"I probably am. But I finished my PhD so I guess I'm not. Ares Black, twenty one years old and pleased to meet you miss Reid." She eyes me curiously but Martha talked happily , not caring how awkward the situation actually was.
"I'm apologize. I'm Spencer Reid, my mother is a bit .... Special. But she'll get over it." The man next to her said , sticking out his hand for me to shake. That was Diana's son.
"Oh it's fine. I hear that a lot." He nodded and I turned back to Diana, she was watching our interaction very carefully. "Well it was nice meeting you but we need to head back. Have to meet some other patients before dinner." Spencer nodded again and I started to push Martha's Wheelchair.

This was awkward and I desperately hoped that tomorrow would be different. I don't want a patient to hate me because I'm to young.


After meeting a handful of my patients and having my first meeting with the nightmare patients I was done for the day, heading for the changing room.
I agreed with my boss to have a Nightmare session on Monday and a meditation session on Fridays long before I actually signed my contract. And I just did it because the job was open for over two years now, no one wanted it and I only wanted to help. But who knew it would take up all my time.
"It's nice what you did today." Ben commented when we changed out of our uniform. We got the same shift today because he was the one to show me around. "Maybe you should be a littler nicer as well. Some patients don't have anyone to visit, you know? How would you feel when you don't have anyone to talk to ?" I didn't receive an answer , he only hummed absently and left when he finished , leaving me alone.
What was the mans problem ?

I shrugged it off before I left myself and but everyone my goodbyes. Some patients even waved and wished me a good evening.
"Try to get some sleep, kid. Doctor Reid insisted to visit when you introduce yourself to his mother." Alice yelled after me , sounding amused.
Doctor Reid ? As in Spencer Reid ? Urgh no wonder Diana was so suspicious. Her son was a young doctor himself.
This could either turn out good or very bad for my part.


Aloah everyone ,
This is my first fanfiction and tbh I haven't finished Criminal mind yet , but I love Spencer so much that I thought , why not ?
So , this is a Spencer x OFC story and I will try my best not to describe the OFC to much because I know that many people want to dream of their own figure. Just know that reader is 21 year old and american :)
Soo, I would appreciate some like and comments to see if you like my story ...or not. Just please don't tell at me for something you don't like please.
- I'll update randomly , just so you know.

Until chapter two , cheerio <3

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