economic studies

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today was different - sprite had not yet arrived, but pepsi decided to assume he was kissing fanta again. strangely enough, pepsi actually wanted to see coke today. laying on the gravel below the wall, feeling the stones stab into his back, he glanced up at the sky. then pebbles were kicked over his face.
"i knew you'd be here!"
pepsi looked in the direction of where the pebbles came from, then was mildly disappointed when it was only sprite.

"sup fam" sprite said casually as a leaf spontaneously combusted in his hand.
pepsi looked around, alarmed. "maybe you should... put that elsewhere." he suggested nervously.
"oh, fine." reluctantly, sprite threw it onto another plane of existence.
"good for you" pepsi sat up, then looked around - realizing he half-hoped to see coke.
just as he had thought the name, two very short people chased each other around the pavement.
"oi, be careful fam." pepsi stood up and approached them like a big roadman.
both kids looked up, mouth wide open, and barely uttered a word - apart from one of them just saying; "tall" with no context. he stood there awkwardly as the two young kids joyfully barrel rolled their way back home. then a figure stepped over the rolling children. was it coke at last?
"ey" coke appeared from the shadows, stomping on an ant once he was settled down beside the others in the long grass.
sprite placed his hands behind him, then sighed. "what's taking fanta, 7up and dr pepper so long?"
coke snorted. "trust 7up to ever be on time. i went to school with him before i kinda maybe dropped out."
"props to you for... missing out on education." pepsi shrugged. "maybe that's why you're so dumb!"
coke shouldered pepsi, yet lost his balance and both were knocked over, with elbows touching foreheads, and just absolutely everywhere. then fanta just had to arrive, dr pepper trailing behind him. fanta raised his eyebrows and sat down, slamming an ikea box onto the ground and an empty bottle. the box read "wardrobe" in swedish. wonderful.

by the time all had finished assembling the ikea wardrobe on a pavement, 7up had finally made it. he sat down and began inspecting the scene. then came to a realization.
"is this 7min in... BRO IMMA BE A 7UP IN HEAVEN" he yelled.
dr pepper spontaneously combusted. "good for you."
"okay so!" fanta got everyone's attention, being the only one standing, having his hands on his hips. "we're gonna....." he began explaining 7m in heaven. "so, now, pepsi goes first"
"okay." pepsi sighed. and spun the empty water bottle. it spun for a while, before coming to a halt with its other end facing dr pepper. pepsi rolled his eyes and clambered into the complete opposite side to dr pepper.

only two mins had passed in utter silence, when dr pepper said, "should we do something?" and pepsi had replied, "sure. but what?"
dr pepper snorted. "make them think we're doing stuff. gently bang on the door." he snickered.
"alright!" smugly, pepsi began to hit the door, gently, until getting a bit louder, then he stopped to listen. there was not yet a reaction, so he continued. this time, he heard his friends laughing, screaming, or crying. he too laughed, waiting for them to open the door.

gradually, time had passed and now the others were opening the door. pepsi's fists hurt slightly, but it worth the relief and disappointment on the others' faces. coke seemed most relieved as he helped pepsi to exit the cramped closet.

"sprite! your turn!" fanta said as he threw himself onto the ground overdramatically.
sprite spun the plastic bottle, clenching his fist as it slowed down. after some waiting, it landed on fanta.
"seriously." he muttered.
fanta showed plenty more enthusiasm. "yes! seriously!" he repeated.
"well okay." sprite shoved himself into the closet never to be seen again.

after rolling on the grass for several minutes, pepsi noticed weird kissy sounds could be heard from the closet. he did the smug face and counted to three, and pepsi opened the door to sprite and fanta kissing passionately on the ground.
"okay nice wonderful um okay it's 7up's turn to spin the bottle i uh get the fuck out now" pepsi turned his head away from the lovey dovey couple and squinted in the harsh sunlight.

"i am 7up man... oh yeah baby can't wait to have se- i mean go in a closet" 7up flexed his one singular tiny fucking muscle. confidently, he knocked the bottle gently, causing it to spin. after only a few minutes, it landed on dr pepper.
"dude" dr pepper ate the daisy he was messing with and slumped into the closet. as soon as both were in, straaaange soooounnnds came from the closet with was sliiiiightly movingggg.
"dude what the easypeel sticker" coke was putting a buttercup under pepsi's chin when he heard the sounds of the closet porno. (TM). he flipped out.
pepsi casually traumatized his friend. "ah yes young lad, the wonders of life." pepsi began to describe sex in too much detail.
"that's nice" coke started yelling random words he heard during pepsi's description of reproduction. "PELVIS"
"thanks" fanta rolled in a patch of clovers, staining his shirt epically.
"fbi open the bloody fuck up" coke said, yanking the door open. "what the fuck it is white paint"
"dude" 7up rolled out of the closet calmly as if nothing happened.
dr pepper, seemingly half asleep, tumbled out of the closet, then fanta stepped on his face and he levitated for a split second then ate a cheesecake. "dude"
"uhh okay nnnnnnnnbbbjnnhj i am traumatized thank you very much" coke ate plastic. cool yes yes?
"coke spin the damn thing" fanta cleaned the closet and had a spaz attack before joining the others in a neat circle.
"this is gonna be very cliche yes yes?" coke guessed as the bottle landed on pepsi.
pepsi gulp. "yeah."
they leapt into the closet, letting the wooden door slam on their faces behind them.

a moment had passed, and both were bored. either kept suggesting things to do, yet both knew what the really wanted. so they did.
"let's make it quick, before they open the door." pepsi muttered as he clambered onto coke.
"ey! don't put your leg there, you bastard!" coke snapped.
"alright alright." pepsi shifted his leg over to make sure coke was comfortable. he then brought his mouths down and, gradually, they shifted into a delicate, soft kiss. it grew more passionate overtime, making pepsi forget everything around him - quite literally. the doors swung open and pepsi leapt out as though nobody saw anything.
"may we continue later?" coke whispered as the others started another game.

it was later now, and coke and pepsi were walking home, hand in hand.
"are you guys dating yet? or still in denial." sprite caught up to them cheerfully.
coke gulped. pepsi could tell he didn't want to speak, therefore he spoke for both of them.
"i suppose inbetween." pepsi replied quickly, once pepsi and coke has arrived at pepsi's house.
"take care!" pepsi called after sprite and he made his way home. he waved in response then dashed home.
"now, we're alone.."

haha yo mama

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