Chapter 2

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        I don't know if I mentioned this before, but my sister Evie loves to complain. She was complaining until one in the morning about how we had to move with one of her friends (I could hear through the walls). Sh was whining about having to wake up at 4:30 the whole ride to the airport. When we were on the plane, she complained about how the seats were uncomfortable and the food sucked (which was true). By the time were off the plane, officially in the city of Oaksfeild, California , you'd think she'd run out of air.

        But when we got in the cab, she began to angrily text on her phone-likely complaining some more- so my ears were spared. At least before my mom started to talk. She kept trying to speak encouraging words about the new town, house, school, etc. But Evie ignored it out of spite, only responding with an angry huff. And I kept my nose buried in a book. I know that it was mostly directed at Evie. The rest of the ride was silent, save for the tapping noises coming from Evie's phone. Eventually the car stopped in front of what was to be our new home.

        It was bigger. And older looking too. It was painted yellow and you could tell it was fading and beginning to peel from time in the sun. Still, I couldn't help but like it. Evie didn't share my opinion  though. She didn't look satisfied until she knew her bedroom was bigger than mine. Then she went into her room , slamming the door shut behind her.

        My mom sighed before leaving herself, saying she needed to meet up with her new boss, leaving me alone in the living room. Which was fine by me. I preffered it actually. Since the tv still wasn't there, i continued reading my book. But was rudely interrupted by the door. Thinking it was my mom who forgot her key (As she tended to do), I went and opened the door.

Only it wasn't my mom.

It was a boy.

A very cute boy.

Who looked as speechless as I felt.

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