Chapter 22- Collapse Pt. 2 (Nikki Sixx POV)

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A/N: Dreams just may come true for Nikki...and the beginnings of a nightmare for him...and Poor Eric!

Eric is still out of it, my poor kitten! I keep willing him to wake up...but to no avail so far. Currently we are on our way to the hospital, thankfully Lee & TC have Frankie back at the hotel & everyone has been apprised of the situation, thus far. My mind though is still reeling...

Eric, you may very well be pregnant...but my heart aches with how much he already is suffering, and I feel so very guilty because I haven't noticed how he's been acting lately...but now I am starting to see.... The moodiness, the insomnia...and the fact that he seems to be suddenly hit with everything at once? And I felt his have I not noticed?! I've seen him naked.... I hope that he will be ok! And if there is a baby.... they will be ok too.

Eric is still out...I wish I knew sooner just how much he's been suffering. Too, he really needs the sleep.... Before I know it, we are in the emergency room in a private curtained off area and quickly they get blood, hook him up to iv's full of fluids and STILL he's out. While waiting for the results and a doctor to get back to us, I talk to him....

"Kitten---I am SO sorry I haven't noticed things sooner! I guess though too, we've had so much going on...getting married, you are touring and all.... but I don't regret any of it! You, you are my everything, my other half, my soulmate.... I---". I am cut off by the sound of my husband groaning and opening his eyes...

"N-Nikki.... w-what happened? Why am I in the hospital? S-sorry I scared you! S-s-sorry!!" Eric is having a panic attack or starting to...very quickly I gently take his face in my hands...

"Eric.... Eric, look at me.... focus on me...the sound of my voice, breathe, breathe in & out deeply. I've got you. Shh, kitten it will be ok...I'm here, I'm here." Gradually he calms down, though tears stream down his face which I thumb away and then I kiss him, first on his forehead then each of his cheeks & finally his lips, taking my time pouring all my love & longing into it.

"Thank you...I love you Nikki, so much, I---I...oh n-no...", Eric trails off paling and I know what's coming so I grab a trash can quicker than lightning as he heaves into it and heaves some more.... Finally, it passes, and Eric collapses back into the pillows, looking very spent and very much like he still needs sleep. Thankfully, I find some ice water & pass it to him so he can rinse out his mouth.

"Uggh, you'd think being hooked up to fluids and all...have they given me anything at all?", Eric croaks out, but before I can answer, the doctor comes in and Eric & I brace ourselves...I hardly dare to breathe....

"Well, Eric it seems we've found out the reason behind what you've been experiencing from your symptoms, from what the EMS said & the information from your husband.... Your pregnant, and congratulations!"

He is pregnant! My heart is soaring.... but I can't help but feel fear...not because he's pregnant, but because I don't know why his symptoms are so severe & then there's the fact, he's amid a tour & those can be strain enough under normal circumstances. I guess though too, things can hit people differently & at different times...

"Why are my symptoms so bad though? I mean I know they won't go away, at least for not awhile...but still.", Eric looks so worried and squeezes my hand.

"Things like what your experiencing, can hit at different times...since you're here, I'd like to take you for an ultra-sound to measure you & to see how things are progressing.", The doctor looks concerned at Eric's state & that makes Eric pale even more.... thankfully, he doesn't get sick for now & we head back to a room & get underway.

I carefully lift & arrange his hospital gown to where just his stomach shows.... I've felt it, but that I SEE it, it really is rounded....and now that I know he's pregnant is it supposed to be that round?

The gel they use for ultra-sounds is applied to my husband's stomach, making him shiver.... the monitor isn't turned towards us for some the wand moves back & forth the Doctor's eye-brows furrow, making my hackles raise...

"Hmm...oh my.... well, it looks like Mr. Sixx, we've found another reason for how severe your symptoms are..." & here the monitor is turned towards us & my jaw drops & so does Eric's...For there are three, three! Three tiny shapes.... meaning...meaning...holy shit! My coming true, he's.... carrying triplets!

"Triplets? W-whoa.... I mean, I-I- ", Eric stammers.... it's a huge shock to him & Me as well, but 3 little kittens...3 little angels.

"It explains why you are measuring around 8 weeks even though you are around 6 weeks pregnant.", The Doctor explains.

"He's in a band, would it be safe for him to play on stage? And he's touring right now, I think they have another month left of their tour...", I ask. Quite frankly I don't want him to play, not at all. Not only do we know for sure now that Eric is pregnant, but he's pregnant with 3 babies....and God, I worry about the stain this will have on him. I'm petrified, and I can only imagine how Eric feels.

"Well, no reason if precautions are taken...but with the symptoms being so severe, I would just advise to be as careful as you can, rest whenever and as much as you can. We will be giving you something for dizziness and nausea, though the nausea will likely continue."

I feel that this is only the beginning and my poor beloved kitten, and his suffering will only get worse, but if he wants to finish the much as I hate it, would hate it.... I won't stop him...maybe if he is careful, I know Eric would never endanger our children, but still, I worry.... but what will his bandmates say? Frankie? My bandmates? What about our future? I am scared to death, but I am determined to be there for my husband and our daughter Frankie & Our unborn children, no it won't be easy...Eric's pregnancy I feel may just be a difficult one & I do so hate to see him suffer, but I love him so much...I wouldn't want to take him away from what he loves.... but still, I do worry.

The doctor leaves and Eric will be discharged in a little while and thank God that he has the day off tomorrow.

"Eric, kitten I know you're scared and baby I am too, this is a huge shock. But there's no one else I want to be the mother of my children other than you! You are already an amazing mother to Frankie, and I know you will be to our three unborn...I promise that I will be here for you every step of the way, this won't be easy...but kitten I am here, always...", I move to kiss him which seems to reassure my husband though he still looks so scared.

"Nikki, I know you probably don't want me to play...things Health wise may just get worse for me, and I know how stressful touring is.... I don't want to hurt you, or our babies.... I mean the doctor said if I'm careful & all...I feel I want to try...please, let me try.", Eric whispers hands on his stomach.

"No, I don't want to you to play, and we still have to break the news.... if you want to try baby, I won't stop you.... we can do this and do it together. We are both scared I know...but we will take whatever comes our way. You're giving me three babies, and you've already given me so much. Eric truly you are my soulmate. I love you Kitten!", I whisper as I bring my hands to join in feeling his little baby bump and we kiss as I taste the salt of both of our tears. 

A/N: Oh I can't wait to hear thoughts on this!! Next chapter will be from Frankie's POV! Stay tuned!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now