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No! I don't want to move! I like my baseball team! I don't want to move.

I don't care Hayley! Your father got a new job so we are moving and you don't have a say in the matter. They even have a sandlot as a baseball field. You'll love it. We have a big pool for the new backyard.

UGH I hate this!!!

I'm sorry, baby. We have to move. There are a few really nice kids there. We live right beside the sandlot, too.

Fine I'll go pack.

I march angrily up the stairs to my room and see boxes already in my room. I find a sharpie and write "New Home" on one, "garage sale" on another, and "throw away" on the last. I start sorting all my stuff and put my baseball mitt and helmet, baseball, and bat in my bat bag. I throw all my clothes in boxes and sort through my books. I put my diary in the keep box and sit down on my bed. I lay back and cry myself to sleep.


When I wake up, I check my ticking Babe Ruth clock and see it's only 5:30. I call Jenny, my friend in the San Fernando Valley (where I'm moving) in California, on my wall phone hanging on the plain white walls of my drab room. After she answers on the third ring, we talk about my moving and she tells me a little bit about the boy who lives on the opposite side of the sandlot to me. His name is David Durango. He is the captain of the baseball team that plays at the sandlot. He's supposed to be really cute. He has long-ish blonde hair, is muscular, and has bright blue eyes. David loves baseball and plays with a group of guys. A new kid just moved there, and everyone calls him Smalls, because his name is Johnnie Smalls. There's also a jerky kid who hates David and plays baseball for a more.... sophisticated team. His name is Singleton. The fair is going to town with a new Bigfoot exhibit in a couple of days, about a day after I get there. I guess I should probably get going.

I start back up on packing but I keep getting distracted by thoughts of David and Singleton fighting. Maria is another one of my basegirls (what I call my girl friends who play baseball) and she has another basegirl of her own who she thinks I might like. Maria and Emma (the other girl) live where I'm moving, so we plan on playing baseball together. I hope by the time school starts back up again I will have friends.

While I pack, I wonder if David is as cute as described. I hope he is, but then again, I don't. I might lose my mojo man! Haha but seriously. I'm a straight A student, a baseball champ, and honestly, the one all the guys want here in Texas. The last time I liked a boy, my grades went from 97,94,99,95,93,98,and 100 to 73,77,81,70,83,73,and 77, my pitching went from 95.73% dead center to 63.05% dead center, and my batting average went from 99.24% to 68.93%. It basically ruined my life. I also got grounded for 2 weeks, rejected by my ex-crush, and lost 2 basegirls.


It's now around 8:30 and I'm about to get in bed. I decide to write a little in my diary and read. ( see our story, A Day in My Lifechapter 3 to read) I close my diary after signing out and walk over to my jukebox. I find Love Me Do by the Beatles. I hit play and start to clean my room, sorting and packing up to move to the Valley. I don't want to leave Texas but, I don't really have a choice. I wish I could just do whatever I want, but I can't. Life just doesn't work that way.

I call Penny up and ask her about the Valley since she also moved there. She said that Jenny was right and David was really cute and so was Singleton but not to hang out with Singleton because he's rude and a bully. David plays baseball at the sandlot and he has about 8 friends who he plays baseball with. I think he sounds stuck up. According to Jenny, David is stuck up and popular but after a while he comes around. And every time he wears shorts, he wears long socks pulled up. It's really weird and nobody knows why he does it.

I go to bed and dream of playing baseball and being happy in the Valley. I wake up ready to get the move over with. Today is the day I tell my basegirls I'm moving and there are cute boys there. I get showered and brush out my long brown hair. I pick out a pair of yellow athletic shorts and a blue tee-shirt. I throw on my black worn out converse and braid my hair. I go to the bus and start towards the back. I find Braylee and Jaceyy and reluctantly tell them the news. What?!? No you can't we still have 2 more months of school left!!! Both girls yell.

Relax, guys. I'm leaving in a month. Don't worry about me. Jenny and Penny live where I'm moving to. Daddy got a job offer there working with NASA. Sorry.

Oh.. well tell Jenny and Penny hi I guess... Jaceyy said

I walk off the bus and head towards Science, ugh.. I sit in half-listen to the lecture, half-daydream about what David looks like. I hope he likes me. Maybe I'll see him in my any of my classes next month. Maybe he's perfect. Maybe he's a jerk. Maybe he will fall in-- HAYLEY GOODFAIRER!!! It's time to go to the next class!!!!!!

I gather my books and go to Band. YAY!!! ( #BandNerdsUnited )I pick up my lock and sit down under it to fix it. I bet it was Bailey who flipped it... I finally get it open and take out my trombone and go sit in my seat. I play and quickly run off to put it away after class. I run into the history class room and sit in the very back. I continue to dream until the bell wakes me up.

I get out of math after probably 14 billion years and go home. I run around on the fields till I get to the park. I meet Jaceyy there and I start practicing pitching. I am already signed up for a pro softball team in the Valley, and I need the practice. I throw a few balls until I finally get back to my near perfect pitches. I rub the soft on my thigh where my glove slaps me and decide to go home. I hope I like it at the Valley...

A/N Hey guys! This is my first Sandlot 2 fan fic but I hope to make more. If you have ideas, comment them, private message us, etc. And if you have read or are reading our other stories, you would know that we have a Wattpad pack called the Pack of Creatures. Please favorite, comment, like, follow, read, whatever! I'll shut up now, but please read these A/N's I usually don't but please. Love y'all and I'll talk to y'all LATERAIDE! XOXO ~ Alpha Mel Lyric

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