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*Trigger Warning: Mention of Abortion*

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*Trigger Warning: Mention of Abortion*

Since their talk, Eleanor had been sitting by Kit's bedside and continuing to talk to him about whatever when the nurses weren't around to keep an eye on either of them. Eleanor had taken the time to really learn about Kit, what his childhood was like, where he grew up, and what his aspirations were. She also learned more about his wife, Alma, and the situation that landed him here at Briarcliff in the first place. He talked about the green creatures from out of this world and what he thought they came to him for. He didn't have many theories, he just really talked about his experience with them and how confusing it all was. He didn't understand why they came to him, or Grace for that matter. Eleanor didn't have any answers for him either.

"Do you at least believe me?" He asked.

"About the aliens?" She reiterated as her fingers flexed in her lap.

He nodded and she shrugged, "I mean, I don't see why not. It serves you no purpose for creating a story like that." She chuckled, "I have this vague memory of my mama telling me about this radio broadcast that came out when I was just a newborn. It was a dramatized reading of H.G Wells' War of the Worlds, she told me about the panic that ensued due to the broadcast because listeners had no idea that it was just a story from a book. Everyone thought it was real, but my mama knew better, she had read the story before."

He tilted his head, "I've never heard you talk about your parents."

She shrugged after her head twitched, "I don't remember much of them. After my lobotomy and the electroshock, I just remember the feeling of my parents, you know?" A small smile bloomed on her face and her eyes grew a faraway look as she reminisced, "I remember that my mama made me feel loved and special, and my dad made me feel protected and safe. I don't remember their names, or even their faces, really. Just that they were good people who died too soon."

"How did they die?" He asked carefully.

"I don't remember. I just know that their deaths were why I was sent away. I guess my older brother couldn't take care of me, or maybe he didn't want to." She replied sadly.

"What do you remember about your brother?"

She shook her head, "Again, not much. Just that he was older than me and that he liked to tease me when we were kids." She smirked, "But what brother doesn't like teasing their little sister, right?" Her face grew sad again, "I don't remember what he looks like either. On really bad days, I find myself questioning whether or not he was actually real or just a figment of my imagination. He never sent me any letters or called me after he sent me away, he just disappeared as if he never existed."

"What about the rest of your family? Do you remember any of them?" He questioned.

Another shake of her head, "I know my mama didn't really get along with her parents so when she was old enough, she moved out and never saw them again. As for my dad's parents." She tilted her head up and her eyebrows scrunched in concentration, "I think... I think they died when we were little." She shrugged.

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