Bakugo and Camie

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Bakugo looked at his girlfriend as she was gazing into space. He could see that her smile wasn't there which bothered him greatly. He could also tell that she wasn't herself due to her being overly distracted. "What happened to your face?"

"What do you mean, Katsuki?"

"Your smile is missing." He softly replied. "You're doing that sad-face thing that I told you not to do."


"Camie, what's wrong?"

She sighed and looked at him with uneasy eyes. "I...I think we should....I think we should break up!" Tears started falling down her cheek. She didn't want this but she also didn't want to make it harder for him.

"THE HELL YOU MEAN WE SHOULD BREAK UP?!" Of course, Bakugo was pissed. This came out of no where and he felt his heart sank.

"I'm so sorry." More tears raced for her chin. "I don't want to put you through all of this. I...I was caught today. Having the no dating restriction had been heavily affecting me and when I got founded out, I didn't know what to do. Luckily it was only Inasa and I did tell the truth but what if next time is Shishikura and he gets me expelled? What if me worrying about that all the time stops you from enjoying the time spent together? What about that distance? It's so unfair to you! I just feel like I'm the long run I'm hurting you more than anything else!"

Suddenly, he pulled her to him and kissed her, using his thumb to wipe her tears. After breaking the kiss, he looked her in the eyes and softly spoke. "You worry too much. If the school finds out, it's not like they can expel you or stop you from becoming a hero because you wanted to live your life. Even if they did, I'd go to Principal Nezu myself so he could have you join us here at U.A. Camie, I don't care about the distance thing either. None of that matters because I tolerate you."

"Katsuki..." She smiled and wiped her tears. "That's the sweetest thing. Also, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Something like what?"

"Well, you said you tolerate me." She folded her arms. Could he be on the verge of saying the three little words? She had to push him to see where it went.

"That's cause I tolerate you." He folded his arms. "The hell you want me to say?

"I think you already know." She mimicked him.

Okay, fine. I still find you very annoying!" He smirked.

Ugh! She just couldn't win with him. That stupid smirk on his face was... ugh! She couldn't get past it. He knew just what he was doing with that damn smirk. "I hate you! You're so insufferable!"

"If you hate me so much, why are you blushing like that? If you hate me so much, why are you smiling?"

"You just can't let me win, huh?"

"No, of course not!"

The room slowly became silent again. Camie's smile has faded. She wasn't frowning but her neutral face had showed up. She rested her head on Bakugo's shoulder while thinking about all the happened while she was there. She was grateful that he didn't let her go through with her plan. "Thanks for uh... making me feel better. I... I feel like a jerk for coming here and trying to end this beautiful thing between us. I really want us to work out. I just don't want to hurt you, ya know?"

Normally Bakugo would act tough about situations however he knew this was serious and needed him to be sincere. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. "Camie, I know it's hard for our relationship. I go to U.A and you go to Shiketsu High; my school doesn't care about people dating, yours forbids it; my school is always being attacked by some stupid villain, especially my class. We both have things to deal with but so does every other relationship. As long as I can, I will deal with whatever may come. At first, it was that challenge you set but then it evolved and grew into more. I genuinely started caring for you. I love you."

"You love me?" Her head perked up in surprise. She wanted him to say it but she didn't expect him to actually say it. He was Katsuki Bakugo and being so direct, especially about how he feels, is not how he is. He would rather go around the bush and tease her with words like tolerate but here he was being direct.


"You really love me, Katsuki Bakugo?" Now she was trying to get back at him for teasing her earlier. It also didn't hurt to get more confirmation, right?

"Yes, I love you, Glitter Dream! Don't make me repeat myself!" He growled but she giggled and kissed him softly. Wrapping his arms around her sides, he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. Though she was an annoyance at times, Bakugo wanted her in his life. He needed her to see that. When they broke the kiss, he wiped her cheek one last time. "Now, let's go do something fun; something you like doing. Before you ask, no! I'm not doing any more vlogs."

"Actually, about that...I've been thinking about stopping the vlogs. At least for a while."

"You will do no such thing!" He said sternly.

"Excuse me?"

"You wear the biggest smile whenever you vlog and it's a genuine one. You enjoy your time as Maboromicamie and I refuse to let you give that up!" He folded his arms. "If you're having a creative block then you need to stop focusing on it so much and do something else for a bit then go back."

"You really think I should keep going, Katsuki?" She looked at him with a slight smile.

"Yes! Now, let's go do fun things already!"

"Sure." She smiled as she stood up. "By the way, Bakubabe, I love you too."

MHA: The BakuCamie Tales - Book 1 - ConflictedWhere stories live. Discover now