Thank you, darlings! Rantin' [ Part 9]

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I got 1,000 reads on this book. TALK ABOUT SWAGGIE.


Okay well,  



51) Action Stories

Now you know I love me some action stories *wink* anyways, some action stories piss me the FUCK off. I hate the fact that in action stories, the main chracter falls in love with the guy who's like the son of a mafia or something. Like girl r u stupid why in the hell would you fall in love with a guy who's in the mafia and that has GREAT potentional to kill. NO. JUST NO.

52) Bitches complainin' about me 'offending' them

First off, if I offend you, that's how you know you should change your story up. If any of your stories are like the ones I have listed then you know it's cliched, overused, and simply annoying. I'm not going to be nice and say sorry even though I warned you that some of the stuff I say is offensive.

Gurl life's too short to take shit seriously

53) Dumb Main Characters

You know those dumb bitches that act like they don't know what the hell is going on?

Example :

" Why did Jonny kiss me & feel my booty today, I mean he only likes me as a friend right? I only like him as a friend. NAH we're too close to be something more than friends"

GIRL HE LIKES YOU. Everyone BUT you can see that. Out of all people, I would expect you to know somethin' gah leee. You're aca-stupid, BITCH. LOL.

54) That Ugly Barnicle Story

okay why the fuck is there two 'the ugly barnicle' stories


55) My Vulgular Language

Ok so I've actually had people complain about my vulgular language. What I have to say is

LOL BITCH BITCH ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS. NOW STOP. Make that mothereffin' hammer time. LOL I'm so stupid.

But I don't really say the 'f' word. But I do cuss. Even if you did ask me to stop cussing, I won't cause you don't own me. LOLS.

56) The Ratings

I can't stand it when people complain about explicit material in a Rated R story. Girl, you must be misunderstood. It was Rated R for a reason. If you didn't want to read a story with alot of explicit material in it, then you would've went to a story that's PG-13 or PG okay? Get the logic? Good.


Now I'ma rant about my boring life HAHA.

57) #cut4bieber

Girl, no if you did this you're stupid. Now cutting isn't a joke. But cutting for bieber? REALLY? That's the most dumbest thing you could do. Are teenage girls THAT stupid now a days? I mean, I'm a teenage girl too. But i mean COME ON. Cutting for JUSIN BIEBER for god's sake. You stupid, trick.

58) High School

I really hate my school. Bitches are trippin' now-a-days. Like yesterday on Facebook, these 2 girls were arugeing over who gets to have this boy at school. Are you serious. That dude ain't even cute though. I mean if it was a guy like Joseph Gordon-Levitt then of course I would fight over him. But this dude looked like a Llama mixed with Pitbull (the singer/rapper guy). He wasn't even worth it. Then a day later, they fought in the girls bathroom. I was there cause there I was in the stall, minding my buisness you know doin' my girly things. I heard a girls arguing, then I thought 'typical teenage girls' Then when I came out the stall, I see these ratchet girls fighting near the hand dryer. What are ya'll doin. Are ya'll dumb or? Don't you see I'm trying to take a winkle in PEACE. I don't need you two pulling each other's hair, calling each other names. THE SAD PART IS, that there were bitches recording the thing. ARE YOU SERIOUS. Instead of trying to break it up, they just let them fight and recorded it. I swear, people now-a-days are just so DUMB. I can't even right now. 

59) My Parents

I love my parents to death. But they have their moments. I hate it when parents yell at you for not cleaning your room. Mama, I know where everything is okay. I don't need to have a clean room to know where my stuff are. I know that my earrings are behind my bed, but I don't feel like getting it. I know that my hat is under my mattress, but once again I don't feel like getting it. It's not the fact that we're really unorganized, it's the fact that I'm lazy as hell. I'm pretty sure you know how it feels going to school in 5:00 AM in the goddamn morning. It feels like torture okay. TORTURE. I love ya'll though, you guys are the best!

60) My BEAUTIFUL fans!


Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been busy at school, with the exams comin' up and shit. But i'll try to update as much as I can! Mwah! xoxoxo

Whoever is reading this, just know that you're so kawaii1!!!! xoxoxo <3

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