Chapter 1

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Amethyst woke up on a comfortable red bed. Her head hurt like it was squeezed in a vice, but she ignored it. It took her a few seconds to realise she wasn't in any room she recognised. Blinking her eyes, she looked around the room. Apart from her bed, there was a chest in the corner on the right side of the door. On the left side was a table with a flower pot on it, inside that a red rose. On the wall by the flower was a painting of a dungeon scene, while by the bed, just above her, lied another painting, this one of a blue skull. The carpet was a chequered pattern of grey and purple, and the whole room was lit up by a redstone lamp hanging by the ceiling. If she wasn't half panicking about where she was, she might have found it beautiful. A crash from outside her room made her jump, and someone came in. It took her a few seconds to realize that it was a brown cat. She had dark green eyes, and grey spots all over her.

"Hi! The others told me to see if you had woken up yet." She said, her voice cheery. Amethyst nodded and sat up, holding her head.

"Are you ok?" The brown cat asked, her head tilted to one side like a child.

"I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache." Amethyst replied. She pulled her hair away from her eyes.

"Its ok. I had a headache when I woke up." She said. She took her hand and started to drag Amethyst out of the door. She followed reluctantly.

After a few minutes of running though corridors, the cat didn't have a very good sense of direction, the two arrived in a big room with 16 chairs, 8 on each side of a long table. There was a variety of people chatting to one another, though they all stopped when the brown cat called out to them.

"Hey guys! The last one's awake!" She said and immediately all attention was on her. She blushed and looked down at her feet. The brown cat sat down on one of the remaining seats and gestured for Amethyst to sit next to her.

"So, hi there." A boy with black hair crossing the right side of his face, white headphones and a blue and black shirt said to her.

"Hi." She said, feeling awkward. Suddenly a explosion of white smoke erupted from the center of the table, causing many shouts of alarm. Amethyst cleared the smoke from her face and gazed up at the figure. He had dark grey shoes, dark blue pants and a light blue shirt. However, the scariest thing about him was his eyes. They were as white as quartz and she felt a chill flow through her spine as he locked eyes with everyone.

"No... it can't be..." A boy with a grey hoodie and black dreadlocks said. The man smiled.

"Yes. I am who you think I am. My name is Herobrine and welcome to the map!" He said. He threw his hands in the air on the last four words. Everyone sat in silence for a few sceonds

"Ok. How do we beat the map then?" A orange and white cat asked. Everyone, including Amethyst, stared at him, wondering how he was being so calm about this. Did he not see that the evil God, ruler of the nether, was right in front of him? Herobrine smiled.

"I'm glad to see someone's already getting down to business. Well, There's only one way escape my mansion." Herobrine said. He was now sitting cross-legged while floating in the air. He paused for a few seconds for dramatic effect before speaking.

"You must kill one of your peers and not get caught."

There was another moments silence. A mermaid with pink hair, a blue tiara and a lavender tail put her head in her hands.

"No. No no no no no..." She muttered, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. The boy next to her, he had a white shirt on with black and green headphones and brown hair covering part of his face, put his arm around her, telling her it was ok.

"Yes yes yes. After you have found the body, we shall hold a trial to find out who the murderer is. If you correctly guess, then the murderer is executed in the most horrific way!" Herobrine shouted. There was an eruption of sound as everyone started talking at once, but they were all silenced by a white flash from Herobrine's eyes.

"However, if you all guess wrong, then I get to kill everyone except the murderer-

"Everyone?" The white and orange cat asked .

"Yes, everyone. And they-"

"But what if the murderer then kills you? It would be better if the murderer-"

"SHUT UP YOU OVERGROWN FURBALL! Now, as I was saying, if you guess wrong, EVERYONE except the murderer will die, and THEY can go home, AWAY from the Mansion!!" Herobrine finished, proud to have finally finished his sentence.

"What if no one kills anyone?" The brown cat asked.

"What do you remember, young kitty-cat? Not much, I'm guessing. Well, how bad do you want to find out?" Herobrine asked, his voice soft and sweet. She looked at her paws and didn't reply. Herobrine stopped floating and stood up.

"Well, I must be off now. May I recommended having dinner then going off to bed?" He said and vanished.

"I'm not hungry." Said the orange cat.

"Neither am I." The boy with dreadlocks said.

"Me three." Amethyst said.

"How about we all just go to bed?" A furry animal in a suit asked. Everyone agreed and they headed up to their rooms.

Amethyst opened the door and to her surprise, Duskie and Dawn were sitting on the bed, gazing at her. Dawn barked happily, while Duskie merely glanced at Amethyst and looked quickly away. For a second she was worried, but then shook the thought from her mind. All she wanted to do was get some sleep. Locking the door in case something happened, she lied down in the bed and fell asleep.

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