14 | Too Famous

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Chapter 14- Too Famous

Marinette's POV

Once I finished my soup which was beautifully prepared by Adrien, he took our plates to the kitchen and washed the plates up.

When he returned he came back to his room and sat on the edge of his bed facing me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly.

"I guess I'm okay" I replied. I looked into his shiny green eyes but looked away when I realised I was looking too long.

Adrien put the back of his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"You're quite warm, I think you should rest for a bit. When you wake up we can do something fun if you're feeling a bit better."

"How about some video games?" I asked.

"Of course," Adrien bowed, making me giggle at his actions.

"Get some sleep princess. I've got to collect up any work that we have." Adrien smiled

"You mean to collect any work I have because you are too lazy to actually attend your classes." I rolled my eyes.

"You know it. And I'm not lazy, I already know the content. I didn't get homeschooled for no reason." He winked

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I giggled.

Adrien took his phone, wallet and keys and when he was about to leave the room I spoke up.

"Umm Adrien?"

"Yes princess." He smiled as he directed his attention towards me.

"Uhh can I borrow one of your shirts? I normally change clothes after school and this hoodie is too warm-"


"Yes?" I asked hesitantly.

"You don't need to explain yourself. I'll go get you one." He chuckled.

I felt my cheeks warm up and I turned away from Adrien hoping he wouldn't see my now red face.

Once Adrien got me a grey t-shirt he left his apartment.

I was wearing a tank top under my hoodie but it was quite tight and obviously since I wasn't in my own apartment, I didn't have any loose shirts to change into.

Admit it, you only wanted to wear one of Adriens shirts because it smelt like him.

Excuse me but that is not true. I literally just explained myself

Yeah, yeah. Keep lying to yourself.

I carefully took off my hoodie and put on Adrien's shirt. It smelt exactly like him.

I then laid down once more and closed my eyes welcoming sleep in.

If I was going to be left in this big apartment, I was 100% going to do my favourite thing.


Adrien's POV

Once I got out of my apartment, I immediately went straight down to my garage.

It was time for my Lamborghini to shine. That bad boy was practically begging for me to take it for a spin.

So that's exactly what I did.

I connected my bluetooth to the car and played my playlist before driving off.

Obviously I didn't go straight to school, I had to take my baby out for a ride. I almost forgot how much I loved my Lambo. I really don't use it enough.

The Bad Boy and The Good Girl (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now