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it's the 1920's and Kaeya is one of your bosses that you work for inside this hellhole called the mafia. He always made sure he looked like a gentleman around you even though you were one of his employees. You assumed you guys were friends well more like best friends cause you guys took care of each other both in public and in private. You knew since day one you were head over heels for your boss but tried putting it as "it's platonic" and not only that you were already in a relationship with someone else. Though this relationship you were in wasn't a good one you decided to stay due to your parents last wishes, so you stayed with this partner. But funny enough, you were getting roses and chocolates and love poems by a secret admirer at your job, they also given you creepy but beautiful photos of you. You wished you knew who it was but you oblivious to this situation and believed that your partner was doing it and that there was still hope for this relationship...boy were you wrong...One night you had been fighting with the person you had been dating about what they did that irritated you, in turn you were now in a position where your body was trying to break free from this persons grasp because you knew after this you would be raped by them until Kaeya opened the door to your apartment. He saw you being held by the neck and you crying then he turned his head slightly to see this fellow mistreating a pure soul like you.
"...K-Kaeya..." you whimpered in a hushed tone. "I'm here darling" he said in a cool tone.
He walks closer to your partner and removed your partners hands from your neck. He picked you up from the ground and carried you bridal style out of the apartment to his house and left you there for you to sleep. He stayed with you until you fell asleep and got out of the house to finish his business with this person that hurt you in oh so many ways.
<time skip>
You woke up by a gentle nudge to the shoulder. You sat up and saw Kaeya your superior caressing your skin and giving the most happiest smile you've ever seen. But the problem you had was there was blood on his face and clothes.
"Kaeya, what happened last night?" You said in a concerned voice."A-and why is there so much blood on you?"
" don't worry your little head about it love!" He said in a cheery voice.
"Now we need to talk Y/N" he said in a serious tone. He got up from the the bed and stared changing into a different shirt and to clean his face.
"Yes, what's the problem?" You said now in a frighten but tensed voice.
"You've hurt my feelings Y/N...Did you honestly think you're partner gave you those lovely things on you're desk?" He said as if you murdered someone. You thought it was your spouse because you truly thought no one would love you romantically. You were now on the verge of tears so you already thought that Kaeya was about to rape you or bitch slap you across the face.
"I'm sorry..."
"I didn't mean to think like that. I thought it was them because no one could ever love me like that at all." You were now crying readying yourself to get hit.
"No worries darling,it's alright.After all you wouldn't know it was me doing it ." He said in a happy but sad voice. He sat down on the bed but now more closer to your face. He put his arms around your upper body and hugged you. You returned the hug back and whispered into his ear the thing he always wanted to hear the most
"I love you Kaeya Alberich."

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