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Luca was with Alberto, watching the sun set as alberto looked at the sky while Luca is watching Alberto, until a huge ship was coming in with a pirates as Luca looked at it winded eyes

"Alberto, we should go now."Luca said in worried tone as he shake Alberto's shoulder, as he looked at Luca in confused then looks at the ship winded eyes

"Alright, let's go!"Alberto as he went to the water transform into sea monster as Luca went behind and then transformed as well, followed alberto

"Alright Boys, we need to find a Sea monsters!, and getting lot of money out of it." Jade laughed as pirates looks each other but smirked evilly nodded eyes at Jade

"Eyes peeled for sea monsters and captured and KILL THEM!"Jade growled then sailing his own pirate ship

Alberto was underneath the ship but heard from muffled above as he winded eyes heard 'KILL' at the end

"Who are they?"Luca asked as Alberto looked at him as shrugged then swims away as Luca followed

"DID YOU SEE THAT?!"Jade pointed at the water was something caught swimming two familiar Sea monsters swimming ahead as The other pirates looks down with winded eyes noticed that sea monsters do exist....

" don't you stand there let's get them!!"Jade yelled them the rest of the pirates prepare for the sailing the ship, as floating in the water after the two sea monsters

Luca stopped swimming for a moment as he looked up at the water as soon spotted a ship was coming their direction as he gasp winded eyes

"What is it?"Alberto asked as Luca looked over at Alberto as he pointed at the ship was Alberto winded eyes worried

"come on!!"Alberto grabbed Luca's hand and swims away, trying to find a hiding spot from under the sea, as the ship was following it but missed them as they didn't find anymore

Jade looked over down the water as he glares then bang on the ship edge growled, they never been found since Luca and alberto hiding in the rock cave den as Luca peeled out seeing the ship was still there where they are

"Keep looking!!"Jade order as they nodded then the shipped went to other, as Alberto looks watches the ship was gone already as he sigh in relief Luca watched then seeing the ship sails away

"What are we going to do?!, that guy or who ever he is trying to get or get us killed?!"luca said in panicked as he swims back and forth worried look as Alberto bored eyes watches him

"Calm down Luca, they would never find us, okay they didn't know we exist, so we better watch out and be careful."Alberto said then kept swimming ahead as Luca looked watches then sigh nodded agreement then follows alberto

"Mom was right about the Surface, bad people out there....trying to kills us."Luca said with worried tone trying not look back but alberto stopped looked at Luca, he sigh

"Luca, stop worrying okay, we going to be okay."Alberto said as Luca nodded but then a ship was above of them but didn't noticed as Luca winded eyes gasp

"GET EM!"Jade growled then they grabbed a huge net and dropped it down to the water as alberto pushes Luca out of the way then net got Alberto instead of Luca as Luca grunts then floats back then looks at alberto with winded eyes

"Alberto!!"Luca winded eyes, alberto was caught by the net but tangled hard to get out, he tried to get out of the fishing net but alberto gives up "Luca get out of there!"Alberto said while the net was pulling it out of the water

"ALBERTO NOO!!"Luca yelled was swimming faster trying to get Alberto's hand but missed then the fishing net finally out of the water above then landed on their pirate ship

Dropped the fishing net and alberto on the ground as he grunts then looks at the pirates as Jade looks glares seeing only one but they saw two but didn't get the other one, as Alberto winded eyes in shock, but worried at the same time didn't know what they going to do with him

"Well, now, seems like we only have one today, and now."Jade chuckles evilly "we going to end you And get's more money!"Jade laughs evilly and all the pirates were laughing evilly as alberto winded eyes while he was in sea monster form, now Luca has to save Alberto before something horrible to him before it was too late.......

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