Mikey's Secret

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October shook her head. "I told you guys, I'm fine. Just cold." She told them, which was true. She was cold.

"But, October-" Bob started, cut off by an irritated self-harmer slamming her fork down.

"Dammit, guys! I'm fine, quit worrying. Can we talk about this later?" She asked, regretting her outburst when Bob gave her a look.

"Later." Frank said, not looking at her.

"Definitely later..." Gerard and Ray muttered at the same time, Mikey staying silent and picking at his food.

The youngest member of the band stopped picking at his food. "Oct, you're not too hungry? Come back to the bus with me?" He asked, looking straight at her and avoiding the other's looks and raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, Mikes." October murmured, pushing her plate away and sliding out of the booth, Mikey behind her.

They walked out and to the bus in silence, Mikey's fingers splayed on the small of her back. He sat down on the floor in front of the couches, leaning against one of them. "Let me see."

October didn't want to lie to Mikey, so she sighed and rolled both her sleeves up. Mikey stared at them, then her.

"We'll slowly ween you off it. I will, at least. It's a terrible habit." Mikey murmured, fingers tracing over them gently.

"I know it is, but I can't help it." October murmured, settling her body next to his.

Mikey nodded, playing with his thumbs. "Yeah, I know. I used to cut, a lot. It's so good, I understand." He sighed, hand resting on her thigh. Not in a boyfriend way, in a brotherly way, comforting her.

He paused, then continued quietly. "Nobody ever knew I did, though. I never told one person, I kept it to myself. I did it on my thighs, I'd do it every night, one way or another. Gerard almost found out, but he didn't." He said. "Don't tell them that I did, though. I'm over it, and you need to be, too."

October moved the hand he'd put on her leg, holding onto it tightly, as if it was some sort of life support. "It shouldn't feel good." She murmured, and Mikey nodded.

"I don't want to hurt Frank, Mikey, really. I can't. He can't be more disappointed than he already is. He's so great, and he thinks I'm done, but I'm not." She murmured, tears in her eyes.

"You ever cry on someone's shoulder?" Mikey asked. When she shook her head, he let her curl into his side and cling to him, tears sinking into his shirt.

"We should do this more often." Mikey said, stroking her hair and kissing her temple softly. "You'll be okay." He murmured, gently.

That probably lasted for another thirty minutes, crying and temple kissing and soothing words. Mikey took all October blades but one, telling her she could only do it once a week and that he'd check everyday.

The rest of the band walked in, surprised to see October and Mikey standing by the bathroom, talking quietly. They didn't know what it was about, of course, the conditions of Mikey's help only to be between him and his friend. October wrapped her arms around him, his arms around her, and they hugged without knowing they were being watched.

October put her sleeves down, wiping the tears from her eyes, nodding when her friend put a finger over his lips. "Don't tell." He whispered, and she nodded, moving past him to the bunk area.

He turned to the guys. "What happened?" Frank asked, and Mikey shook his head.

"Nothing, just talked." He said, smiling to himself. He'd never felt more vulnerable, telling her his biggest secret. But it was nice that someone knew.

"Oh? Then why was she crying? And why were you by the bathroom?" Bob teased, but Frank raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't...?" Frank asked, his gaze getting kinda annoyed.

"No, Frankie, we didn't fuck. Or anything close to that." Mikey said, trying to hide his laughter because nothing at all close to that.

October came back in, giving Frank a look of true adoration. "Jealous..." She sang, messing up her hair a bit when she ran her fingers through it. and giving him a crooked smile.

"Not jealous!" Frank insisted, making the girl roll her eyes.

"Don't worry, I love you and only you." She smiled, sitting next to him on the couch and taking his hand, lacing their fingers together.

"So, you okay?" Bob asked, sighing when she nodded, relieved. "Good. Don't do anything stupid, please."

October nodded again, shooting Mikey a look. He leaned back against the couch, next to Ray, and sighed.

"I'm tired." Gerard murmured, followed by Bob yawning.

"I'm going to sleep. Night, guys." Bob said, followed quietly by the singer.

Ray gave October an unsure look, but stayed silent. And it stayed like that for a while, until the bassist and guitarist went to bed.

Frank pulled girlfriend into his lap, kissing her gently and leaning their foreheads together. "You're sure you're okay?" He asked, kissing her again gently.

"I swear. And don't worry, Mikey and I really didn't do anything." She told him, kissing him again.

"I didn't think you actually would. Mikey's not like that, and I trust you." He murmured. "Wanna watch a movie?"

October nodded, sliding off him and humming. "You guys have The Nightmare Before Christmas?" She asked, pleased when he nodded.

He stood, finding the movie and starting it. October laid down on the couch, and he laid behind her and pulled a blanket over them.

About half way through the movie, October felt herself getting sleepier, and listened to her lovers heartbeat as she fell asleep.


Awh they fell asleep together

Awh Mikey is her best friend

Awh cute-ish chapter

seriously thank you for reading. Shout out to Elizabeth for being amazing and reminding me to update evERY TEN FUCKING SECONDS

No really she's great

Keep smiling <3

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