(Prime) Don't Forget :: Ratchet x Dead! Femme! Reader

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Ratchet is suffering from the loss of the Reader and tries to move on and forget it. All The While he is suffering inside.

"Help! Primus! It HURTS!" You screamed out. The pain was incruciating. Ratchet was trying his best to fix you, you wince in pain. Your Sparkmate was trying his best to fix you. He lost Cliffjumper and he wasn't going to lose you too. He continued to fix you. 

"(Y/D). Stay with me Sweetspark. I'm trying my best to fix you... Calm down..." Ratchet placed a servo on your leg.

"I feel faint....." You moaned. Now Ratchet started to panic. You were losing energon fast.

"I need to hurry up and give her more Energon." He panics. He turned around to get the much needed transfusion. But when he turned around you were gone.

"Sweetspark?" He said. He tried to patch your wounds.

"Sweetspark. Wake up. Please don't offline on me!" Ratchet tries to rusistate you. But failed in doing so.


Ratchet jolted awake from recharge after a loud crash was heard.

"Hnngh. What in Primus is that noise?" He asked.

"Sorry Ratch. I made a mess." Bulkhead said. Ratchet surprisingly didn't get mad he just vented.

"It's okay Bulk. Just clean it up." Ratchet rubbed his optics. His core was flashing blue. The pain stung him. Somehow the bond was still stronger. He vented. And thought about the late femme. He loved (Y/D), he wanted to end his life so he can be close to her and hold her close. He looked onwards. He sighed. He knew he couldn't end his life. He couldn't... (Y/D) wouldn't want that from him. She would want Ratchet to keep going. He continued to work on the coordinates.

"Hey, old friend. Is everything alright?" Said Optimus, Ratchet nodded wearily. 

"It's... Just... I'm thinking about her..." Ratchet said. Optimus knew what he meant. 

"Old friend, I know you miss her. Sometimes we all do." He hums. 

"I can't stop thinking about her... I miss her so much..." Ratchet said.

Optimus places a servo on the medics shoulder. "We know..."

Ratchet turns to his work.

"I won't forget you (Y/D)"

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