the suspicions chpt 3

559 8 3

It was about 8pm and the Dilaudid started to wear off, Reid began to remember the feeling of coming down from it. His head was pounding, he was sweating, his eyes were droopy and his eye bags were darker than usual, he felt like he hadn't slept in ages.
The thought of his phone being on silent slipped his mind, he showered and made him self coffee, but the feeling didn't get any better, when finally walking to go check his phone, the walk felt like an eternity, as his steps got slower, so did his breathing, he passed out for about 10 minutes, than woke up feeling even worst, he was hungry, tired, mentally exhausted, but most of all. He wanted more..

He quickly got up and checked his phone which he had 4 missed calls from Hotch, 2 missed calls from Morgan, 5 texts from Garcia, and even 8 texts total from Jj and Prentiss, and an incoming call from Rossi.
Reid could feel the guilt start to rise up, and his stomach drop, he could feel his heart beating. He answered the call from Rossi
"Hey Reid the team has been trying to get into contact with you for the last 30 minutes, we have a case, hurry up and get here. Hotch needs to talk..."

"oh yeah ok.. sorry i just wasn't feeling well and i didn't have my phone with me" Reid mumbled

He thought about shooting up once more before he left so maybe he'll feel better, but he knew that there wasn't a chance. Morgan was already suspicious about him, and Hotch needed to talk to him. he was sure how much trouble he was in.
He couldn't see straight because his head was pounding, which caused him to almost swerve off the road multiple times, but finally he was at the BAU building.

As he went up the elevator he almost passed out because of the pressure on his head, but he didn't and as he walked through the tall glass doors, he could almost immediately feel the eyes on him.

Once Reid had walked in, the team hurried to the jet already being late. Hotch quickly walked Reid to the jet, he told him about the case they were handling, but not before stating that he needed to talk to him, Once the team was settled on the jet it was about 10 pm. They were set to arrive in New Jersey at 5am.

Hotch briefed the team about the case once more and told them to get some sleep. Reid however could not sleep because Hotch still needed to talk to him. He was sitting in one of two seats at the back of the jet. Hotch was now walking over to Reid and he could feel himself start to sweat more and his headache get worst, he was not able to concentrate on anything but the cravings. He had not eaten since that morning so him being hungry made it worst.

"Reid i need you to tell me why you were so late and why you didn't have your phone on you, be honest " Hotch said

"i didn't feel well so i decided to lye down and i didn't realize that my phone was in the other room, and i also haven't ate since this morning so i made coffee but it didn't make it better" Reid stated sounding annoyed

"I don't believe you Spencer, but for now you're going to need to have your phone on you at all times and you need to get rest before we land"

Reid just rolled his eyes and tried to get some rest, once he finally fell asleep he felt himself back in the dark wooden room, with one yellow light hanging in front of him, the face of Tobias Hankle hovered over him. He could feel the nightmare get more intense until...

"hey kid wake up we're about to land"

He felt relived to wake up and see Morgan in front of him, the voice of his best friend made him feel safe, but the only words that came out of spencer were
"yeah ok whatever" he said with attitude towards Morgan. Morgan looks confused, but he brushed it off, thinking maybe Spencer didn't get much sleep and it had nothing to do with him

why did i just say that
i'm not even mad at Morgan
he's my best friend
why did i say that
what is wrong with me
i'm not even mad
Reid had thought to himself

As the case went on, his headache was slowly going away, but the urges to shoot up weren't. he was being rude towards the team this whole day and he was annoyed with himself, and so was his team.

Once they got back to the hotel Reid could not control the urges anymore, he needed to shoot up again, he just wanted to feel happy. And he was tired of being so mean to the team. He needed to shoot up

just once more he thought...

losing control over my mind Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora