Wind Kitsune

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Probably none has no idea, what's going with the title, so lemme explain it. I found out that kitsune has more classifications than just zenko and yako. Besides there are 13 kinds of kitsune, with different elements. One of them is Kaze (Wind) and here I drew the wind kitsune, which is already known as Midnight

 One of them is Kaze (Wind) and here I drew the wind kitsune, which is already known as Midnight

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Me tried draw clouds (I'm not very proud about them) grass (kinda proud about it). But the thing that kills me are tails. They're so frikin ugly I can't. Not the colours, but the way, how they're drawn. Ugly... I'm upset at myself. 4 years of drawing kitsunes and... Ugh...
Also, I tried to make it kinda wind themed, but it looks like more storm themed, or maybe even celestial. Welp, fail. Maybe more of kitsune drawings will look better.

Powers of wind kitsune:

Wind - Simple enough. With this study, they can create winds, cause tornadoes, and influence local weather patterns.
This is also the element that manipulates ice and snow.

Music inspiration:

Asian Fantasy Music - Wind Kitsune

Maybe I should try draw kitsunes in their half human form (fox tails and ears as you see there)...

Hey, sure why not now...

Here we go :D Idk how to draw hands lol

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Here we go :D Idk how to draw hands lol

Also, small fact that imma tell ya...

She lesbean ;v;

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She lesbean ;v;

There are more kinds kitsune... And more kitsune music... Alright, *takes stylus pen* I think we all know, where this is going

Also, yes I'm going to add those kinds of kitsunes into the LN AU. It'll be pretty interesting with them

And a meme, cuz there wasn't a meme in last chapter, because wattpad told me that limit of pictures in a chapter is 20. I know, there weren't 20 pictures, but they didn't let me add more lol

So meme is suggested by Szariik_Wolf and it is...

Letz see

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Letz see

Bruh, this meme is better than I was expecting xD

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Bruh, this meme is better than I was expecting xD

Y o u  a m a t e u r s

But this meme is kinda accurate and that's kinda sad. Alot of people skip VLN and some even thinks it's not canon... But wtf I'm saying. Nowadays people don't know, who Seven is and we are talking about VLN...

Btw, I think I just accidentally made Five, VLN protagonist that 60% of LN doesn't care about, more interesting character than Six, main character of LN xD

What can I say, alot of characters, that are just simply skipped in fandom, in my eyes have huge potential -v-


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