[Rant] when real people are involved

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Okay so everyone has that one couple who they would love to see. Now for some people they couldn't give a fuck same with fanart nsfw ECT. Now here's a few guidelines to follow.

Shipping personas/characters:

We all know that shipping characters is fun! One of the biggest character ships I know is TomTord. Now, if you're shipping the characters it is okay! Don't get too weird while doing so, and don't pressure the people who own the characters to be together. Since both Tom and Tord are adults it is ok to do NSFW things. But it is recommend that you don't shove it down the creators faces if they don't wish to see nsfw. It can cause creators to distance themselves from their fans and the person they're shipped with.
When it comes to the people behind the characters, If they ask not to be shipped RESPECT THAT. It's a boundary that sadly many cross, it was seen even with TomTord getting too crazy. It affects the actual people. Now if they Openly state that it's okay to, then it is.

Drawing Fan art:

Creators love seeing fanart that the fans have made, many have a section dedicated to fan art they receive! Now unless they state that yes NSFW drawings of their characters is aloud, try to stay away from it, or keep it to yourself. If they don't want that stuff please respect that.

Creators that are Minors. Shipping:
This is A BIG problem for many minor creators. Since they are minors they shouldn't be shipped without PERMISSION. These are children. They don't need to have these stresses.

Shipping the minors characters:
Now again this is usually okay. Unless they are Abusive in any way, or pedophilic in nature. Don't go shipping their underage characters with adults vice verse. If they ask not to have their characters shipped, please respect that.

Minor creators and the NSFW fanart problem:

Unfortunately a lot of Minors come across nsfw fanart of them or their underage characters. This is CHILD PORNAGRAPHY. DO NOT DRAW THE CHILDREN SEXUALLY. If you come across one of these pictures (aged up is kinda questionable tbh, not sure what to say there) report it on what ever site you're using! Please keep the children safe!

Okay end of rant? Idk if it was a rant but i saw a thread in youtube about Ranboo and Tubbo not wanting to be shipped irl with the other or their friends and it bugged me how many people decided to justify their lack of respecting their wishes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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